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Dean of engineering 's state conference speaks

LAWRENCE — Stuart R. Bell, dean of engineering at the University of Kansas, and Jill Docking, chair of the Kansas Board of Regents, will lead a panel discussion Friday, June 18, on engineering education in Kansas.

The two will speak at the Kansas Society of Professional Engineers Annual Conference, which begins today and concludes June 18 in Topeka.

“Our goal is to make sure everyone attending understands just how important engineers are to the state’s economic growth and recovery,” Bell said. “Right now, several Kansas industries are poised for growth, but they can’t find and hire enough young engineers to fuel that change.“

Recent research by the National Association of Colleges and Employers shows that the majority of the most lucrative jobs for new graduates are in engineering professions. Additional findings in Kansas show that for each engineer hired, an average of 1.78 support personnel also are employed. Docking and Bell will touch on issues that address the state’s economic situation, the role engineering and industry play in economic recovery and how growth in engineering education can address these challenges.

Bell will talk about Kansas industry’s need for more engineers, KU’s efforts to attract significantly more high school students into engineering majors and the School of Engineering’s Building on Excellence Initiative, which provides new facilities and resources to accommodate the additional students.

The Higher Education Panel Discussion will be from 10:30 a.m. to 11:20 a.m. June 18 at the Capitol Plaza Hotel in Topeka.

The Kansas Society of Professional Engineers represents about 1,000 engineers practicing in Kansas. The organization strives to promote, recognize and enhance the engineering profession by delivering professional development products and services, encouraging licensure and advocating legislation and public policy for the betterment of human welfare and the profession.





