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May Means Evening Events at UCR Campus

UC Riverside will host a series of events this month that both celebrate the diversity of the campus and offer evening entertainment for students and the rest of the campus community. The events are organized through the student resource centers on campus, but they are also available to the public.

Wednesday, May 19 • 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.• HUB 302 North
Excerpts of Wong Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest
Written and Performed by Kristina Wong

Kristina Wong is a solo performer, writer, actor, educator, culture jammer, and filmmaker. Noted for her quirky culture-jamming and subversive tactics, Wong takes an offbeat artistic approach to activism that upstages the strangeness of our times. She will be performing excerpts from "Wong Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," her third full-length solo show, exploring the remarkably high incidence of mental illness among Asian American women in a world more nuts than we are.
Sponsored by Asian Pacific Student Programs, Mental Health Outreach, The Diversity Initiatives, and the Women’s Resource Center.

Thursday, May 27 • 6 to 9 p.m. • Highlander Plaza
Raise the Roof: Many Voices, One Heart Beat

A Unity in the Community Celebration showcasing the cultures and talents of UCR students. A night of self-education, awareness and unity through dance, music, song, spoken word and theatrical performances. Your voice is welcomed, your heartbeat essential.

Sponsored by Asian Pacific Student Programs, African Student Programs, Native American Student Programs, Chicano Student Programs, Women's Resource Center, LGBT Resource Center, The Diversity Initiatives, Katipunan, Social Justice Alliance, Hip Hop Congress, KUCR, Common Ground Coalition, and Circle K.

One event is already over:

A Slice of Rice, Frijoles, & Greens
Thursday, May 13 • 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. • Highlander Plaza

A Slice of Rice, Frijoles, and Greens is a humorous and poignant mix of stories that gives vivid insights into the Asian, Latino, African and Blind American experience. Using theater, music and movement, these artists open windows to their own worlds through their personal tales. Though each slice may be different, "rice, frijoles, and greens" join to make a statement that entertains while enlightening, taking audiences beyond cultural borders.
Sponsored by African Student Programs, Asian Pacific Student Programs, Chicano Student Programs, Student Disability Services, and The Diversity Initiatives





