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Michael Gallagher 曾两度担任高等教育部(现在的联邦教育、科学和培训部)部长, 现在堪培拉任8大研究院校执行主管。

    Simon Marginson
是墨尔本大学高等教育学教授,高pt; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-outline-level: 1; mso-char-indent-count: 2.0"> 

论坛将由澳大利亚著名教育学家,前校长Kwong Lee Dow主持。



Advancing Tertiary Education – onto the election agenda

A Federal election is looming and higher education wants to be on the agenda. The University of Melbourne’s Education, Science and the Future of Australia public seminar series will examine some of the critical policy issues - public funding of higher and vocational education; student costs and financial support - in a seminar on ‘Advancing Tertiary Education’.


It is widely acknowledged that advanced levels of education are the key to Australia's future in a global knowledge economy.

Yet Australian public funding per student has declined by 30 per cent between 1995 and 2003; tuition charges, HECS and loan systems are cumbersome; student financial support has dropped and 40 per cent of students surveyed say that work during semester has a detrimental effect on their learning; and vocational education is under-funded and run-down.

Two of Australia's foremost policy experts will tackles these issues:

Michael Gallagher has twice headed the higher education division of what is now the federal department of Education, Science and Training and is now the Executive Director in Canberra for the Group of Eight research intensive universities.

Simon Marginson is a Professor of Higher Education at the University
of Melbourne
and a leading analyst on policy for tertiary education . He is currently working mostly on the global higher education environment, international education and national system organisation.

The session will be chaired by leading Australian educator and former Vice-Chancellor Professor Kwong Lee Dow.




