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澳大利亚Linux主席Jonathan Oxer将在该次东部商务网络盛会(EBN)上发言,主题是在线沟通与小型贸易。
值得一提的是Jonathan将在会上对Web 2.0进行阐述,以及小型贸易如何最大限度的利用该项技术。Web 2.0最初在2003年面市,主要提供网络为基础的沟通和服务,比如我的空间(MySpace)以及百科全书(Wikipedia)功能。
Jonathan表示Web 2.0正在改变着小型贸易商在线沟通的方式。
尽管这些服务很实用,但这只是刚刚开始。Web 2.0为小型企业的商人通过互联网扩大规模提供了机遇。它强调了信息的在线写作和共享。

Making the most of the web in business
Small business owners can hear about how to use the internet to their advantage at a networking event to be held on 20 June.
Linux Australia president Jonathan Oxer will speak at an Eastern Business Network (EBN) event to be held on Wednesday 20 June on the topic of online communities and small business.
The EBN was established fifteen years ago by Swinburne TAFE to offer small businesses in the region networking, education and promotion opportunities.
In particular, Jonathan will share his thoughts on Web 2.0 and how small businesses can make the most of the technology. First coined in 2003, the term Web 2.0 refers to web-based communities and hosted services such as MySpace and Wikipedia.
Jonathan said Web 2.0 is changing the way small businesses use and interact with the Internet.
“Most businesses are using online business processes already even if they don't realise it - varying in complexity from basic email and Internet banking services to eMarketing and knowledge management.
“Although those services are useful, they are really just the start. Web 2.0 provides an opportunity for small business to expand the usefulness of the Internet. It emphasises online collaboration and sharing information.