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  本周格里菲斯大学戏剧培训第二年的学生将在Mt Gravatt校区上演名为“余震”(Aftershocks)的舞台剧,这部舞台剧将使布里斯班的观众耳目一新。


  该剧是由布朗(Paul Brown)和工人文化运动协会会员们一起创作的一部反映真实情景的舞台剧,对白完全采用大地震发生现场的人们的对话。

  应用社会戏剧学教授巴尔弗(Michael Balfour)说,许多参加演出的学生有种亲身体验地震的感觉,因为剧本的内容都是由亲身经历的人们所讲述的。




  三部中的其它两部舞台剧是浮士德(Faust)和血婚(Blood Wedding)。

  教授巴尔弗(Michael Balfour)还说,这三部舞台剧都雇佣了专业导演指导学生表演。


  “浮士德(Faust)的特点是有情节,具有讽刺的意味;血婚(Blood Wedding) 充满了激情和具有象征意义,而余震却几乎是充满娱乐色彩的。”


  Verbatim theatre tells it like it is

  Griffith University second-year drama education students will offer Brisbane viewers an innovative piece of theatre when they perform the play Aftershocks at the Mt Gravatt campus this week.

  The first of three forthcoming plays by second-year students, Aftershocks centres on the 1989 Boxing Day earthquake in Newcastle.

  It was written by Paul Brown and the Workers Cultural Action Committee as verbatim theatre, which uses only the precise words spoken by people interviewed about a topic or event.

  Professor of Applied and Social Theatre, Michael Balfour, said many of the students had found acting in the play a confronting experience because the script consisted of real people talking about their situations.

  "This is an intimate piece of theatre and so the students needed a certain level of sensitivity to portray the characters in an empathetic way," Professor Balfour said.

  The 20 drama students playing 46 characters throughout the 100-minute play talk to the audience directly, retelling the funny, strange and moving elements of the tragic event.

  Aftershocks was the first piece of verbatim theatre to be shown in Australia. It toured for two years and was the subject of a documentary film.

  The other two plays to be performed by second-year drama education students include Faust (May 22-May 26) and Blood Wedding (May 29-June 2).

  Professor Balfour said professional directors were hired to work with students on all three plays.

  "We wanted to create three very different plays using three directors who could tap into the students' creativity.

  "Faust offers melodrama and satire, Blood Wedding is extremely passionate and symbolic, while Aftershocks is almost doco-entertainment", he said.





