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  美国留学文书是极其重要的申请材料。除了硬件成绩之外,最重要的申请材料便是文书。美国留学文书是许多同学比较头疼的部分。那么关于 美国留学文书写作的主题,为大家总结一下文书写作主题:学术追求。

  This past summer, when my family was traveling in Scandinavia, I decided instead to fly in the opposite direction to Cold Spring Harbor, to study at the lab of James Watson, the discoverer of DNA structure. I was not surprised to be fascinated by all of the pure biology in the courses; I was not surprised to be the only non‐American student, and I was not surprised by the questions about why I flew half way around the planet just for two weeks in a silly lab. In fact, I am no stranger to such questions. People would ask why I spend time reading so many long and tedious papers when all I need is to finish a small report on yeast. People would ask me why I am dying to know how much of Pistia’s dry mass is made up of its hairs. I have no better answer than to say, “There is so much more biology in these little things and I just love knowing it. I am following my heart.”

