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  美国留学文书是极其重要的申请材料。除了硬件成绩之外,最重要的申请材料便是文书。美国留学文书是许多同学比较头疼的部分。那么关于 美国留学文书写作的主题,为大家总结一下文书写作主题:个性化命题。

  Dear Mantis Shrimp,

  Maybe you’re bragging to your fellows about your privilege over humans.Maybe you’re observing the electrical waves running through my neurons. Maybe you’re wondering why this weird man is constantly strolling in front of the aquarium.But before you break the glass and jump onto my face,I’m gonna tell you something about humans.Indeed,you’re cool for your admirable eyes, but As multispectral as your life may be, I bet you can see little meanings from it.We humans are cooler, for we can see beyond basic colors the crucial spirits of life. Seriously, WE ARE MISSING NOTHING.

