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Rank Institution Student Satisfaction Research Assessment Entry Standards Graduate Prospects Overall Score
1 Warwick 4.07 3.50 428 59 100.0
2 Sheffield 4.19 2.20 393 74 96.5
3 Leicester 4.44 3.04 314 66 96.5
4 Loughborough 4.13 2.40 382 72 96.4
5 Goldsmiths College 3.76 3.20 345 66 96.2
6 Southampton 4.20 2.65 375 64 96.0
7 Cardiff 3.72 3.15 380 59 95.9
8 Leeds 3.81 2.65 377 69 95.8
9 Sussex 3.84 2.90 356 62 94.9
10 Bournemouth 3.80 2.50 353 70 94.5
11 East Anglia 4.05 3.40 337 46 94.1
12 Stirling 2.75 337 55 94.0
13 Nottingham Trent 3.95 2.80 293 65 93.1
14 Westminster 3.60 3.50 325 47 93.0
15 Lancaster 3.89 2.80 346 51 92.4
16 Royal Holloway 3.85 2.90 344 48 92.1
17 Lincoln 3.90 2.75 293 58 91.6
18 Birmingham City 4.06 2.70 317 51 91.5
19 Central Lancashire 3.94 2.20 305 65 91.2
20 Strathclyde 3.44 400 61 91.0
21 Brunel 3.57 2.40 304 65 90.8
22 Newcastle 4.04 2.45 90.8
23 Aberystwyth 3.88 2.70 261 58 90.2
24 Glasgow Caledonian 3.82 2.30 351 50 90.2
25 Surrey 3.37 2.10 344 63 90.1
26 City 3.45 331 70 90.1
27 Salford 3.68 2.55 290 51 88.8
28 Liverpool 4.04 1.80 357 48 88.8
29 Leeds Metropolitan 3.38 2.55 279 56 88.4
30 Keele 3.95 286 61 88.4
31 Robert Gordon 3.93 2.10 269 59 88.4
32 Birmingham 3.85 386 42 88.4
33 University of the Arts, London 3.60 279 68 88.3
34 De Montfort 3.88 2.42 247 55 88.1
35 Northumbria 3.67 2.25 292 53 88.1
36 West of England, Bristol 4.01 2.65 283 39 87.9
37 Brighton 3.82 2.20 285 51 87.7
38 Edinburgh Napier 3.61 284 63 87.7
39 Oxford Brookes 3.86 314 51 87.4
40 Staffordshire 3.82 1.85 253 64 87.4
41 Ulster 3.84 2.80 257 40 87.2
42 Queen Margaret 2.45 284 42 87.0
43 Sunderland 3.69 2.75 229 47 86.9
44 Hertfordshire 3.95 2.15 246 53 86.8
45 Falmouth 3.69 302 51 86.5
46 Sheffield Hallam 3.36 2.40 281 48 86.5
47 Coventry 3.32 2.45 263 51 86.4
48 Glyndwr 4.06 276 86.3
49 St Mary's 3.93 236 59 86.3
50 Chester 3.69 250 60 86.2
51 Kingston 3.81 1.70 259 58 86.0
52 Derby 3.64 2.45 214 51 85.7
53 Portsmouth 3.98 2.10 278 40 85.6
54 Bangor 3.78 1.95 271 85.6
55 East London 2.95 199 41 85.4
56 Bath Spa 3.98 1.80 269 47 85.3
57 Worcester 3.74 249 53 85.1
58 Winchester 3.66 2.25 268 41 85.1
59 Southampton Solent 3.74 255 51 85.0
60 York St John 3.98 255 46 84.8
61 Lampeter 4.25 1.60 246 48 84.6
62 Swansea 3.78 2.05 270 40 84.6
63 Roehampton 3.97 2.35 249 34 84.6
64 Liverpool John Moores 3.65 265 47 84.4
65 University for the Creative Arts 3.52 50 84.4
66 UWIC, Cardiff 4.00 243 44 84.1
67 Middlesex 3.64 2.15 193 53 84.1
68 Teesside 4.08 237 43 84.0
69 Leeds Trinity 3.65 239 48 83.7
70 Bedfordshire 4.02 2.55 206 31 83.4
71 Glamorgan 3.62 2.15 282 31 83.4
72 Plymouth St Mark and St John 3.99 233 41 83.2
73 Chichester 3.93 239 40 83.1
74 London South Bank 3.86 2.40 210 33 82.9
75 Greenwich 4.03 1.65 238 42 82.9
76 Anglia Ruskin 3.82 230 41 82.6
77 London Metropolitan 3.42 2.35 229 35 82.4
78 Bradford 3.68 1.65 245 82.3
79 Canterbury Christ Church 3.80 224 39 82.0
80 Northampton 3.92 220 36 81.7
81 Cumbria 3.51 262 33 81.5
82 Edge Hill 3.82 272 25 81.4
83 Huddersfield 3.72 1.00 275 45 81.2
84 Buckinghamshire New 3.54 196 44 81.2
85 Thames Valley 3.55 1.65 201 45 80.7
86 Gloucestershire 3.47 1.20 251 44 80.3
87 Manchester Metropolitan 3.76 1.99 204 24 79.2
88 Bolton 1.40 173 73.5


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