经济学(Economics) 17th
商业研究(Business Studies) 21st
会计与金融(Accounting and Finance ) 20th
地理与环境科学(Geography and Environmental Sciences) 9th
电子电气工程(Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 2nd
土木工程(Civil Engineering) 4th
化学(Chemistry) 4th
生物科学(Biological Sciences) 28th
数学(Mathematics) 26th
机械工程(Mechanical Engineering) 4th
医学(Medicine) 11th
护理(Nursing) 7th
医学相关专业(Other Subjects Allied to Medicine) 12th
药理学及药剂学(Pharmacology and Pharmacy) 29th
物理与天文学(Physics and Astronomy) 21st
航空和制造工程学(Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 2nd
法律(Law) 10th
伊比利亚语言(Iberian Languages) 12th
招待、休闲、体育、康乐(Hospitality; Leisure; Sport; Recreation and Tourism) 30th
历史(History) 12th
德语(German) 18th
法语(French) 11th
英文(English) 12th
通信和媒体研究(Communication and Media Studies) 46th
音乐(Music) 7th
哲学(Philosophy) 12th
政治学(Politics) 33rd
社会政策(Social Policy) 17th
考古学(Archaeology) 9th
社会学(Sociology) 17th
社会工作(Social Work) 6th