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Sociology personal statement

  There is probably no better feeling than the realisation that, through your own hard work and determination, you have done something that truly made a positive change to the lives of others. When the news broke in August that the leadership of the City of Edinburgh Council intended to close 22 schools and nurseries, including my own, myself and others immediately launched an intense campaign to voice our opposition and attempt to change the precariously balanced Council's decision. We wrote press releases, gave interviews for TV, radio, and newspapers, and spoke at rallies. Three weeks later, the decision to close schools was overturned. This gave me a valuable insight into the way politics affect everyone's lives, and I realised that I was particularly interested in the human aspects of political theories and practices. As human needs combined with political ideals dictate policy, sociology seems the natural starting point for looking at politics so as to understand why the world is as it is today.

  This is one of the reasons why I have chosen to study Sociology at University. Cultural beliefs, interrelationships, inequalities, and the nature of society interest me greatly. I have been active in politics for over a year, and am a member of a political party and its youth wing. This has given me experience in political processes and working with people at a more personal level in community campaigns. I am currently the Regional Organiser for the Lothians branch of our youth wing, a task I have found enjoyable yet taxing. This has given me invaluable experience in motivating others and leading a team. It has been particularly fulfilling to work with real people with real needs - such as those whose houses face demolition in the Save Our Old Town campaign, people who lost thousands of pounds in savings in the Unfairpak campaign and striking postal workers, amongst others - as sometimes it can be disillusioning for young people to see political parties out of touch with their voters and their needs. I have recently taken on a position on the Executive Committee of my party, and for me, there has never been a problem with integrating myself into 'adult' politics, but for a number of my friends and peers this is not something they find interesting or easy. The relationship between young people and politics is something I would like to understand and look at ways of improving.

  Having studied Modern Studies for 5 years and achieved an 'A' grade at Higher level, I have continued this subject to Advanced Higher, which focuses on Law and Order and methods of sociological research. History is also something which interests me, mostly because I am intrigued by the conditions in societies that have allowed certain events to occur. Throughout my time at school I have involved myself as fully as possible in school life and feel I have done my best to make school a better place for my peers, something I would like to continue at University. At both primary and secondary school I was a member of the student council, and at secondary I have been involved in a variety of tasks, including being active in prom and yearbook committees, fundraising for charities, and teaching younger students about equality and respect in Equality Days. I am a paired reader for a first year student with reading difficulties. My experiences with helping others have led me to consider social work as a possible future career.

  In my spare time I play guitar, sing, read and work part time in a clothes shop, which I love doing and has prepared me for living life more independently. Whilst I enjoy learning, I also take time to relax and see friends. I feel that I am enthusiastic, friendly and hard working, and that I would find studying Sociology both enjoyable and useful.
