
当前位置:老首页 > 签证申请 > 爱尔兰留学签证 > 爱尔兰留学签证经验共享 > 爱尔兰留学签证失败分析


  Dear Sir/Madam,

  I refer to my application for a visa (Application # 如果有什么号码之类这里填) to visit my relatives (最好写出是什么亲戚,尤其是近亲) in (城市名称), Ireland, which was rejected due to insufficient information about my current employment in China.


  In light of the additional information I have provided in this letter, I hope my visa application can be reconsidered. If there is anything else I can do to aid the processing of my application, please let me know. I can be contacted at (联系方式).

  Thank you.
