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  后来知道今天主面我的是传说中的杀手之一Martin(好像是这个名字)。我正和刚出来那个女生说话呢?那位黄毛帅哥出来了(以下简称黄):(对着我们几个人)Vous etre Miss. XX?







  黄毛帅哥问我会不会法语。我回答“a little."



  黄毛:So u studied finance in Benke? Have u written a final *** or done an internship in ur Benke(他发的是bengke,我愣了一下很快反应过来是本科)

  S:Yes. I wrote a final ***. The title is " The Occurrence and Causes of Current World Financial Crisis & Its Influences on China's Economy".

  黄毛:(对着旁边黑毛说了几句法语,应该是转述)What did u learn in Benke?

  S: Quite a large range of disciplines...The marketing, Corporate finance, human resource management...

  黄毛:Is there a link between ur benke and this MIB program?

  S: Yes. We focus more in an international way in GGSB, but in my benke, we focus more in a Chinese way or local way. And what I've learned in benke helps me build a solid foundation which would be useful in my future study.

  黄毛:(笑,点头)Why don't u choose some other universities in the English speaking countries?

  S:Actually I planned to go to USA initially, but they don't have suitable programs for me? And it also costs much more.

  黄毛:(惊讶)This isn't any suitable programs in US for u?!

  S:(笑)Yes. They don't have MIB. And there's one program called master in global management which is similar but it costs much more than I can afford, about 70,000 a year.

  黄毛:US Dollars?

  S:Yes. (其实是70W 人民币一年,我一着急说少一个零,不过他肯定不知道,呵呵)

  黄毛:So how did u find this MIB program?

  S: I saw it on the Financial Times Ranking.

  黄毛:Have u applied to other French B-schoold?

  S: Yes. I've applied for four actually. And three of them sent me a admission letter.

  黄毛:What are those other three schools?

  S: CERAM Sophia Anti-polis; ESC Rennes; HEC


  S:Yes. HEC Paris. But they rejected me.


  黄毛:Why didn't u choose the other two?

  S: This one is the best in the world; But the other two maybe the best in France.(自己觉得很精辟)


  黄毛:Can u tell me sth. about this MIB?

  S:Yes. In the first year, we have to take courses almost everday. But in the second year, we have to do a final project under the administration of a tutor, and by the same means, we can do an internship or take full time job everywhere in the world.

  黄毛:How can u get ur degree?

  S:To finish the final project. Maybe we will have to do the defense?

  黄毛:(点头,笑)Must the project be related to the internship?


  黄毛:Have u any plan about ur future job? What specific kind of work do u want to do?

  s: Maybe I'll change my mind in the future, but now I want to participate in the automobile industry after graduate. Because my former internships were about automobile industry.

  黄毛:U plan to work in the europe or north America in the future?

  S: Yes.I'd like to gain more useful experiances before I go back China to start my own business.

  黄毛:(开始套我话了)Why don't u find a job in France? Maybe Paris?

  S: My French is so poor.

  黄毛:You can manage to study in France. Why can't u work in France?

  S: Coz some of my friends who are in France told me it's quite difficule for one to find a job in France if his French is poor.(哼,想套我,没那么容易。)


  (看看我的护照)Your HuKou(郁闷的中文又来了)is in Chengdu?

  S: Yes. And u may see that I studied in Anhui Province.

  黄毛:so u live in Chengdu and study in Anhui and back in Chengdu. And have u had ur Hukou back in Chengdu?

  S: Yes.

  黄毛:how long have u learned English?

  s: About eleven or twelve yrs ago, since I was a puiple.

  黄毛:Do u study English in Benke?

  S:Yes. At the 1st and 2nd yr. And I took courses outside campus because I have to take the Tofel test.

  黄毛:(翻翻我的材料,看着我的托福成绩单)Oh yes, I can see that.

  Did u prepare these documents by urself or through an agent?

  S: All by myself. Except this one. (我扯了扯他手里的公证书)

  黄毛:(哈哈笑)Of course.


  (又看看我)Have u any questions about France?

  S: (张嘴瞎问)What should I do next?

  黄毛:U will receive a messege in the pastel system. Do u know pastel?

  S: Yes.

  黄毛:The visafrance will tell u when and what to do. They are at DaYe Lu.(大业路,让人崩溃的汉语又来了)

  S: Okay. I know there.



  S:So we are finished?


  S:Thank u very much. Goodbye.

  黄毛&黑毛: Au revoir!

  S:(转身优雅一挥)Au revoir! (带上门)






