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6月1日法国长期签证的新规定 (适用于学生、配偶和雇员)

  刚刚在伦敦的法国大使馆网站看到新规定。 后来又看了其他国家的法国使馆网站,除了中国的那个网站我没看到有提这个,其他网站都写了这个新规定。 (它应该是适用于所有国家的,可能中国的那个网站更新慢了一点?不知道呢。。)

  下面这段英文是从官方网站摘录下来的: (新政策的好处是到了法国第一年不用去prefecture办居留卡,不好的地方是签证审理时间延长了--至少要等一个星期--不过其实这也好过和prefecture打交道~)

  As per June the 1st 2009, long stay visas for France will exempt their holders to apply for a residence permit during the validity of the visas.

  Which are the concerned categories ?

  Are concerned by this reform :

  spouses of French Nationals



  employees in France

  temporary employees in France

  Fields of applications :

  Thoses dispositions apply for the French Departements (France andit’s overseas departments) and St Pierre and Miquelon. They do notapply for stays in New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Wallis and Futuna and Mayotte.

  What changes :

  It’s no more necessay to apply for a residence permit at the Prefecture

  The applicant will have to join to its visa application a document called attestation OFII that he’ll have to send by post during the three first months of his stay in France to the “Delegation territoriale de l’OFII” competent because of the place where the applicant stays in France (the addresses of all those “delegations territoriales” can be found on the form or on the。 As soon as the OFII receives the application it will send a convocationto the applicant for registration. This formality is compulsory and ifyou fail to registered during the three first months of your stay, your situation will be considered as illegal by the French Authorities.

  The holders of those visas will be authorized to circulate in all the Schengen States during the validity of their visa for stays of a maximum duration of three months.

  A minimum delay of one week (depending of the nationalities and the purpose of the stay) will be necessary for the issuance of the visa.

  What does not change :

  The application form is the same

  The supporting documents are the same








