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  在MODL和CSL退出历史舞台后,为了进一步简化移民审理的顺序,2010年7月19日澳大利亚移民部长Chris Evans在移民部网站公布新的独立技术移民优先审理顺序。



  - 雇主担保类 ENS 121/856, RSMS 119/857;

  - 州政府人才担保类,这是新开发的一种移民类别,由每个州制定一个本州需要的人才类别;

  - SOL SCHEDULE 3上职业提名,其中包括会计职业,通常是独立技术移民175/885、澳洲亲属技术移民176/886, 指定地区的政府担保独立移民 176/886

  - 剩余其它移民申请按照递交审理顺序,依次审理。



  The following GSM visas are affected by priority processing:

   Skilled — Independent subclass 175

   Skilled — Independent subclass 176

   Skilled — Regional Sponsored subclass 475

   Skilled — Regional Sponsored subclass 487

   Skilled — Independent Regional subclass 495

   Skilled — Designated Area-sponsored (Provisional) subclass 496

   Graduate — Skilled subclass 497

   Skilled — Onshore Independent New Zealand Citizen subclass 861

   Skilled — Onshore Australian-sponsored New Zealand Citizen subclass 862

   Skilled — Onshore Designated Area-sponsored New Zealand Citizen subclass 863

   Skilled — Independent Overseas Student subclass 880

   Skilled — Australian-sponsored subclass 881

   Skilled — Designated Area-sponsored Overseas Student subclass 882

   Skilled — Independent subclass 885

   Skilled — Sponsored subclass 886.


   Skilled — Recognised Graduate subclass 476

   Skilled — Graduate subclass 485

   Skilled — Designated Area — Sponsored (Residence) subclass 883

   Skilled — Regional subclass 887. 用于487转887


  Priority Processing Arrangements for General Skilled Migration Visas – 19 July 2010The Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Senator Chris Evans, has set new priority processing arrangements for certain skilled migration visas. These arrangements take account of the changes to the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) that came into effect on 1 July 2010, as well as the revocation of the Migration Occupation in Demand List (MODL) and the Critical Skills List (CSL).


  Updated priority Processing Arrangements for Skilled Migration Visas – Effective from 14 July 2010 ( 77KB PDF file)

  Priority Processing Arrangements for General Skilled Migration – Frequently Asked Questions ( 84KB PDF file)

  The Minister has set new priority processing arrangements which apply to the following visas:

   Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS)

   Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS)

   Certain General Skilled Migration (GSM) visas.

  Under the arrangements, processing priorities (with the highest priority listed first) are:

  1. Applications from people who are employer sponsored under the ENS and the RSMS.

  2. Applications from people who are nominated by a state or territory government agency with a nominated occupation that is specified on that state or territory’s state migration plan.

  3. Applications from people who have nominated an occupation on the new Skilled Occupation List (SOL) –Schedule 3 in effect from 1 July 2010.

  4. All other applications are to be processed in the order in which they are received.

  新的移民职业清单,是根据不同时期来划分的,主要分为四类,所谓的Schedule 1-4

  The different SOLs are distinguished by different schedules, as follows:

   2010年7.1前递交移民申请的:the SOL in existence prior to 1 July 2010 in ASCO code (schedule 1) — applies only to GSM applicants who lodged their application prior to 1 July 2010.

   2010年2月8日前持有学生签证或者已经递交TR申请的:the SOL in existence prior to 1 July 2010 in ANZSCO code (schedule 2) — applies to GSM applicants who are eligible for transitional arrangements and who lodge their application before 1 January 2013.

   2001年7月1日后申请的:the current SOL (schedule 3) in effect from 1 July 2010 — applies to all new GSM applications, including applicants eligible for transitional arrangements if they prefer to use it.

   州政府和领地担保职业清单:the State and Territory SOL (schedule 4 ) — applies only to GSM applicants nominated by a State or Territory government under a State Migration Plan.

  对于职业提名在schedule 4的境内申请人,未来可选择的方案有:

  1. 继续持有合法签证居住和工作在澳大利亚,直到申请的PR签证有结果

  2. 寻求雇主担保或州政府担保的优先审理

  3. 申请其它实质性的签证

  4. 撤销签证申请

  对于职业提名在schedule 4的境外申请人,等待时间比较久,所以未来可选择的方案有:

  1. 继续等待签证审理结果

  2. 寻求雇主担保或州政府担保的优先审理

  3. 撤销移民签证申请

  如果申请人获得了Group 2的州政府担保,但是职业不在人才担保计划提名清单上,那么如果职业是Schedule 3的就走Group 3,属于Schedule 4的就走Group 4

  如果申请人是会计学生,但是CSL已经不在了,那么会计属于Group 3的申请,除非申请人得到了雇主提名或者州政府人才移民计划提名升级到Group1或2

  由于该审理顺序已经生效,所以很多申请人的顺序将发生变化,比如说由于Group1 和2数量不大多,所以Group 3将会加速,可以推断会计3无的将会提速,而那些原来50分职业的,或者不在新Schedule 3上的申请人,速度又要放慢了。毕竟越来越多的会计、工程等毕业生、职业年毕业生会插进来。那些职业仍旧在新SOL上的申请人应该要庆祝了,因为你们被优先了!或许再过几个月,你们的案子就要获批了!






