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  Consul General Camp’s Remarks at Anniversary Reception

  April 13, 2010



  Ambassador Sha Hailin, Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests,


  It is a great pleasure to welcome you this evening to help us celebrate the 30th anniversary of the U.S. Consulate General's re-opening in Shanghai.


  Having had the pleasure to work briefly at the Shanghai Consulate in 1984 when my husband and I were both assigned to the US embassy in Beijing, I am constantly struck by all that has happened in the intervening years. So when I discovered in my office the guest book and invitation list from the reception that formally opened the consulate in April 1980, I began to consider how to commemorate the accomplishments of this consulate over the past 30 years.


  The French, Polish, and Japanese Consul Generals, who formed the Shanghai diplomatic corps at that time, were also invited to our reception in 1980. Tonight we've invited their successors, as well as the UK consulate, which kept possession of items from the US consulate when we closed in 1950. One is the 48-star flag that flew over that building; it now hangs on the wall here in our current consulate office building.


  I want to recognize the presence of several members of our local Chinese staff who have served with distinction for more than ten years; we thank them for their contributions to the US-China relationship. We're also delighted to have with us the jazz band from the Shanghai American School, which got its own restart in the 1980s here on the consulate grounds. Many thanks to the students for entertaining us tonight.


  Thirty years ago, when we re-opened our consulate in Shanghai after a 30-year absence, China faced an uncertain future. The country had just emerged from a decade of enormous social, economic and political upheaval. And Deng Xiaoping’s “reform and opening up” was still untested. Since then, China’s commitment to a policy of engagement with the world has proved tremendously beneficial and contributed to the prosperity and stability of the last 30 years.


  Thirty years ago, the flow of people between our two countries was extremely limited; during our consulate's first year we issued 1,583 visas. In contrast, last year we issued over 159,000 visas to Chinese citizens traveling to the United States for business, tourism and to study. You can see from the timeline we have put together how this growth in visas punctuates our history, even as we have had the honor of hosting every US president over the past 30 years.


  While tonight we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the reopening of the consulate in Shanghai in 1980, I want to point out that the US has had a consulate in Shanghai since 1844. We are proud to be part of Shanghai’s past and present and look forward to our role in Shanghai’s future.


  I believe that the soon-to-open USA Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo is the perfect launch pad for the next 30 years of our consulate. The pavilion, like our consulate, represents the spirit of US-China partnership. We look forward to sharing America's story with visitors to the Expo.


  I am particularly pleased that we will have Mandarin-speaking US college students working as guides at the pavilion. These "Student Ambassadors" will provide a human touch to our presence, giving millions of Chinese visitors the chance to meet an American close-up. The students themselves are going to have an incredible experience and I can well imagine that a number will later end up in China careers, maybe even working at this consulate.


  In the midst of all our focus on the Expo, preparing for this anniversary gave us a welcome chance to look back at what we have accomplished in the past 30 years. Remembering the past is a guide to the future. Choosing a few events to put on our brief timeline was not easy -- a true accounting of every significant event that this consulate has been part of would stretch around the building.


  Looking back at our past, and looking at what lies ahead in our future, has been a great source of pride and encouragement. As Ambassador Huntsman loves to remind us : "hu xiang bang mang, hu xiang xue xi, gong tong jin bu". I am proud to say that this consulate has been living that credo for 30 years; I am confident we will continue to carry it out in the coming decades.


  Thank you and please join me in a toast to the next 30 years of our relationship.






