GAP YEAR,自费MS。另外COMPUTER SCIENCE由于过于好找工作,危险系数也比较高,同时由于相近的学科EE悲剧一片,要尽量避免被认为是和无线,控制,识别等等有关的方向类似。
护照,I-20,中信银行收据,SEVIS网上支付收据,DS160表,GT成绩单,本科学位毕业证书,本科学生证,工作证明,学科介绍,推荐信3封,个人陈述,个人简历,存折4本+定期存款证明一份,房产证3本,户口本,父母结婚证明,父母的工作证明,父母的名片,家庭照片,导师资料,study plan,备用相片3张,Assets list,毕业论文
比如对于这个问题:what's your plan
I'll go back to chongqing to find a job. Well, you know, Liangjiang New Area has been estabilished in Chongqing on JUNE 18, and a lot of IT corporations will be constructed there, as far as I know, including Hope, Microsoft and Intel. And more importantly, new factory needs managers when it thrives, and the first group of its workers is usually the best choice. So the earlier I go back, the better opportunity I will have in developing my future career.
ME:How you doing,sir
VO:Fine,How'bout you
ME: Fine,here are my documents.
VO: So...you wanna to go to XXXX university
ME:Yes,and my major is Computer Science.(主动抛出自己的专业,按照常理,VO听到后肯定会问一些专业相关问题,这样会在准备时间上更充分,因为说完这句就可以开始构思解释专业了。果不其然他马上就问了。)
VO:So...Computer Science Which aspect
ME: I'm a undergraduate student, I mainly learned theories in my undergraduate study. However,I'm more interested in...(被打断)
VO:Something like controlling system,wireless communication(皱眉)
ME:In fact,I will do something like Software Engineering, it designs software and solve problems of software only for common people(我是小绵羊无比的纯洁,一定不要CHECK我啊!)(然后开始转移话题) I know the intelligent DS 160 table was an outcome of Software Engineering. It makes things much easier, and as you see, we both benefit from it...(大拍马屁)
VO:I got it. Is it just like webpage design or network(上钩了)
ME:YES,YES(小鸡啄米中)(然后转移这个话题到别的方面)Would you like to see my study plan or curriculum vitae (这个可是我精心设计过的东东啊,绝对没有病虫害)
VO:NO。(失败了)When you graduated from XXX university(我本科的大学)
ME:2008,(又开始盯着我眼睛了,感觉自己就是个测谎仪一样)I‘d worked in XXX corporation from mm-dd-yy to mm-dd-yy...
VO:Which job
ME: Research and development.(心想SHIT他不会要问我为啥做研究工作不读PHD读MS吧,当时心理已经开始打腹稿了,幸好他没问。)
VO:(敲键盘,冷场)What's your plan
ME:blabla (前面有思路,不过没有背过那一段,主要是为了让VO觉得是我想出来而不是背出来的,意思表达清楚就好。)
VO:VERY NICE(第一次对我笑了,我仿佛看到了山姆大叔的微笑...)
VO:(边敲键盘边)who'll support your study
ME:My parents, (然后主动在他发话之前插嘴) my mother is... my father is ... would you like to see my asset list
VO: NO(敲键盘,冷场)
ME:(坐不住了)would you like to see my certification of deposit
ME:So would you like to see my certification of real estates
ME:Sir, you know, this is my first time for visa approvement(故意用了这个词而不是Application暗示一下), I felt a little nervous(意思就是前面的小错就别抓啦,人之常情,快放我过吧)
VO:(笑了)You did a very good performance today。(退资料,留护照,撕条)
ME:Thank you very much, have a nice day!