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  杜克大学创校于1838年。校训“Knowledge and Faith”(知识与信念),共拥有2,583名教授和6,244名本科生和6,844名研究生。杜克大学历史上曾有过 "南方哈佛"之称。其学费之昂贵与哈佛平分秋色,但杜克绝佳的设备、小班制、个别关照、城乡并重,及文武合一的观念,是其他大学极为称羡的。广大无比的山丘校园(学校占地9432英亩,合37.8平方公里),170栋古典建筑,仿佛一一隐藏在秀丽的山林中一般。杜克大学不但是一流学术殿堂,更是修身养性、术德兼修的好地方。



  APPLYING ON-LINE: Both the Common Application and the Universal College Application ( or www.uni­ allow students to apply on-line. The Duke Student Supplement is also available at these Web sites and can be submitted on-line.

  PAPER APPLICATIONS: You can download application forms from both the Common Application and Universal College Appli­cation Web sites, or you can pick up paper copies in your school’s guidance office.

  We give no preference to either on-line, downloaded, or paper appli­cations from any source, but we ask that you use only one source for your materials and that you be consistent; please don’t submit part of the application on-line and part on paper.

  申请材料清单Application Cheklist:

  · REPORTS: Complete the student portions of the School Report and the Midyear Report, and give these forms to your guidance counselor or advisor. Be sure to request that an official transcript be sent to Duke. If you are applying Early Decision, you should also give your counselor or advisor Duke’s First Quarter Grade Report。

  · TEACHER RECOMMENDATIONS: Duke requires two teacher recommendations. Complete the student portion of the Teacher Eval­uations and give the forms to teachers who have taught you within the last two years of secondary school in major academic courses (Eng­lish, mathematics, social studies, sciences, foreign language). If you are applying to the Pratt School of Engineering, one recommendation should be from a math or science teacher.

  · ESSAY AND SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS: Your essay is an important part of your application. It is your primary chance to speak to us in your own voice and a way for us to learn about you as a per­son, so write from the heart and be yourself. We encourage you to take time with your essay; don’t simply write it on-line and submit it. Print it out, have others read it, and submit it only when you are completely satisifed that it represents you and your best effort. Appli­cants to Trinity College may also choose to answer the short answer question on the Duke Student Supplement; applicants to the Pratt School of Engineering are required to answer this question. In either case, please be sure to give your responses thoughtful consideration.

  · TESTING: All candidates for admission must complete either the SAT or ACT and arrange to have official test scores sent to Duke. Please consult the application checklist on the back of this applica­tion packet for testing deadlines. Students must take either the ACT, including the writing exam, or the three-part SAT plus two SAT Sub­ject Tests. Applicants to the Pratt School of Engineering who take the SAT must take one SAT Subject Test in Mathematics. Students who take the ACT are not required to submit SAT scores. Because Duke’s Trinity College Curriculum includes a foreign language com­ponent, students are encouraged—but not required—to take the for­eign language SAT Subject Test. Applicants who do not use English as their primary language must demonstrate the ability to undertake a rigorous academic program in English. Applicants must be fluent in written and spoken English at the time the application is submitted. The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is recommended of all applicants who are not native speakers of English.



  short essay

  Tell us more about one of your extracurricular, volunteer, or employment activities (100-150 words). If you need more space, please attach your response to the end of the application.

  personal statement

  Please write an essay (500 words or fewer) that demonstrates your ability to develop and communicate your thoughts. Some ideas include: a person you admire;

  a life-changing experience; or your viewpoint on a particular current event. Please attach your response to the end of your application.





