看到好多DIY留学的人都在找学位证明模板,就直接写了个模板,大家可以照着写。 注意修改其中的Mr和Ms,还有He和She。 入学的起止日期请以自己的学位证为准,还没有拿到学位证的请向教务部求证。 -最后落款处盖教务部的大印,记得日期也要相应修改,以你的具体情况为准。留学e网为DIY留学的学生们整理了留学文书写作指导及范文模板,包括了个人陈述PS,简历CV,推荐信RL,Essay等各类文书各个专业模板供学生们下载,下载地址:
XX University
This is to certify that Mr./Ms. (自己的姓名) , born in May, 1988 , was admitted to the(专业名称) specialty of this university in September, 2006(入学年月) and successfully accomplished all the courses required by the four-year undergraduate program and earned enough credits before June, 2010(毕业年月) . Thus, he/she is allowed to graduate.
In accordance with the Regulations on Academic Degrees of the People’s Republic of China, Mr./Ms.(自己的姓名)has been awarded the Bachelor’s Degree of(学位名称) .
The Academic Department of XX University
June 30th, 2010