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美国留学 盘点生活最不幸福的十一大州(组图)


  America’s Most Miserable States

美国留学 盘点生活最不幸福的十一大州

  11. Nevada

  > Well-being index score: 65

  > Life expectancy: 77.6 (14th lowest)

  > Obesity: 22.4% (2nd lowest)

  > Median household income: $51,001 (19th highest)

  > Adult population with high school diploma or higher: 84.7% (15th lowest)

  Nevada had the lowest score in the well-being basic access category, which measures how residents feel about access to basic necessities, such as access to a doctor, having enough money for food and satisfaction with one’s community or area. This may not be surprising when considering that Nevada currently has an unemployment rate of 12.6% — the highest in the country. The state was among the worst hit by the housing crisis, with home prices dropping 60% since their peak in the first quarter of 2006. Again, this is the worst in the country. An additional burden on those living in Nevada is the violent crime rate. In 2010, there were 660.6 incidents of violent crime per 100,000 residents, the highest rate in the nation.




