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美国留学 美国海关出入境登记表I-94最新格式


美国海关出入境登记表 (I-94) ( 中英文对照 )
Welcome to the United State 欢迎来到美国
I-94 Arrival/Departure Record-Instructions I-94入境/离境记录说明
This form must be completed by all persons except U.S. citizens, returning resident aliens with immigrant visas, and Canadian Citizens visiting or in transit.
Type or print legibly with pen in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Use English. Do not write on the back of this form.
This form is in two parts. Please complete both the Arrival Record (Item 1 through 17) and the Departure Record (Item 18 through21).
此表包括两部分:请填写入境记录 (第1项至第17项)和离境记录(第18项至第21项)两部分
When all items are completed, present this form to the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service Inspector.
Item 9 – If you are entering the United States by land, enter LAND in this space. If you are entering the United States by ship, enter SEA in this space.
Admission Number
登记号码 (说明:这个号码发下来的空表格上就有)
1. Family Name姓
2. First (Given) Name名
3. Birth Date(DD/MM/YY)出生日期(月/日/年)
4. Country of Citizenship国籍
5. Sex (Male or Female)性别(男填MALE,女填FEMALE)
6. Passport Issue Date(DD/MM/YY)护照签发日期
7. Passport Expiration Date(DD/MM/YY)护照失效日期
8. Passport Number护照号码
9. Airline & Flight Number航空公司和航班号
10. Country Where You Live你在哪个国家生活
11. Country Where You Boarded登机国家
12. City Where Visa Was Issued你在哪个城市得到签证
13. Date Issued(DD/MM/YY)得到签证的日期(日/月/年)
14. Address While in the United State (Number and Street)在美国的住址(门牌号及街名)
15. City and State在美国的住址(市名及州名)
16. Telephone Number in the U.S. Where You Can be Reached在美国可联系的电话
17. Email Address电子邮件
Departure Number离境号码
18. Family Name姓
19. First (Given) Name名
20. Birth Date(DD/MM/YY)生日(日/月/年)
21. County of Citizenship国籍
美国海关申报/U.S.Customs and Border Protection
Customs Declaration海关申报
1. Family Name 姓
First(Given)名   Middle中间名
2. Birth Date出生日期
Day  Month    Year
3. Number of Family members traveling with you与你同行的家庭成员人数
4. (a)U.S. Street Address(hoetl name/destination)在美国的街道地址
(b)City城市 (c)State 州
5. Passport Issued by(country)护照签发国
6. Passport Number护照号码
7. Country of Residence居住国
8. Countries visited on this trip prior to U.S. arrival本次旅行抵美以前曾去过的国家
9. Airline/Flight No.or Vessel Name航空公司/航班号
10. The primary purpose of this trip is business 此次旅程的目的是公务 yes是 no否
11. I am(we are)bringing
(a)fruits, vegetables,plants,seeds,food,insects: yes是 no否
(b)meats,animals,animal/wildlife products: yes是 no否
(c)disease agents,cell cultures,snails: yes是 no否
(d)soil or have been on a farm/ranch/pasture: yes是 no否
12. I have(we have)been in close proximity of (such as touching or handling)livestock yes是 no否
13. I am(we have)carrying currency ormonetary instruments over $10000U.S. or the foreign equiralent. 你携带现金或珍贵物品,其价值超过一万美金或相当于一万美金的外币吗 yes是 no否
14. I am(we have)commercial merchandise: yes是 no否
15.Visitors访客—The total value of all articles that will remain in the U.S.,including commercial merchandise is将留在美国境内的所有物品价值多少
