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  美国留学文书是极其重要的申请材料。除了硬件成绩之外,最重要的申请材料便是文书。美国留学文书是许多同学比较头疼的部分。那么关于 美国留学文书写作的主题,为大家总结一下文书写作主题:大学选择

  Prof. Robert Joseph Lefkowitz said, science is like peeling an onion. I agree: there is always another layer to peel away. Learning about Duke is also like peeling an onion. The more I learn about Duke, the more I want to go. The motto “Eruditio et Religio” matches my impulse to view my neurobiology project on emotion in the context of religion. The next layer revealed the Duke Focus program - indispensible for me to pursue neuroscience while also receiving interdisciplinary training in an integrative and interactive setting. Peeling another layer and talking to current students, I have fallen in love with Southern hospitality. I am eager to join in the Duke Engage program, traveling and helping both locally but globally. At the sweet core of the onion, I can’t wait to paint my face blue, rushing into Baldwin Auditorium and cheering for the Blue Devils.

