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  美国留学文书是极其重要的申请材料。除了硬件成绩之外,最重要的申请材料便是文书。美国留学文书是许多同学比较头疼的部分。那么关于 美国留学文书写作的主题,为大家总结一下文书写作主题:兴趣爱好。

  Most of us experience fairly similar “preparation” as we move from kindergarten to university and finally to the workplace, but as a result of our essentially different natures, we develop into unique individuals. Some people are like onions who quickly abandon their pungent odor and become sweet and inviting in the pan. Some, including me, are like carrots who require long periods of simmering to be softened. If you are a carrot, take your time to explore yourself in depth and expand your horizons; it is your nature to assimilate energy at a slow but steady pace. Do not waste all of your time envying the onions; they have their glossy appearances and tasty aroma, but you have your profound heartiness and long‐lasting fresh taste.

  从欢快的烹饪场景,引申到人生的启发“Understand yourself and stay true.”
