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  麻省理工学院MIT同斯坦福大学在EE的专业排名上同时排在第一位,它的研究生录取的条件非常简单,这也是顶级名校的特点,在官方的文件中MIT的EE 录取要求为:



  The department is divided into five primary research areas, most of which have a long history and well-established culture. At the same time, the boundaries between these areas are porous, encouraging collaboration among faculty, students, and staff across the department. The five research areas are:

  Systems, communication, control and signal processing 系统、通讯、控制和信号处理

  Computer science计算机科学

  Electronics, computers and systems电子、计算机和系统

  Engineering physics工程物理

  Bioelectrical engineering生物电气工程


  Systems, communication, control and signal processing

  Solving problems in communication and coding, systems theory and control, optimization, statistical inference and decision theory, signal processing, and large-scale social, power, and communication networks.


  There is absolutely no dishonor in taking MIT undergraduate courses to bolster your undergraduate background. This is very common in the Area and highly recommended if your undergraduate institution didn’t emphasize this background enough. Relevant courses at MIT include:

  · 6.003 (Signals and Systems)

  · 6.431 (Applied Probability)

  · 18.06 (Linear Algebra)

  · 6.011 (Introduction to Communication, Control and Signal Processing)



  Certain of these graduate subjects are regarded as “core,” in the sense that they are appropriate for first-year graduate students with adequate undergraduate background, and are prerequisites for further subjects in the same area. These core subjects include:

  · 6.241 (Dynamic Systems and Control)

  · 6.251 (Introduction to Mathematical Programming) or

  · 6.255J (Optimization Methods)

  · 6.262 (Discrete Stochastic Processes)

  · 6.341 (Discrete-Time Signal Processing)

  · 6.436 (Fundamentals of Probability)

  · 6.437 (Inference and Information)

  · 6.438 (Algorithms for Inference)

  · 6.450 (Principles of Digital Communications I)

  Most first-year graduate students should plan to take at least two of these core subjects in their first year.

  All of these subjects assume a fairly high degree of mathematical maturity and involve a relatively heavy time commitment. It is always better to take fewer subjects each term and do well in each than to take more subjects and do mediocre work in all of them.



  Beyond the Core Subjects

  The student may choose as many additional courses as he or she can handle in order to obtain greater depth in the various topical subareas of Area I, greater breadth in other areas, or just to satisfy intellectual curiosity or be exposed to a great teacher. However, keep in mind that:

  · Again, it is best to do well in fewer courses than not so well in more courses

  · There will be plenty of time at MIT to take all the courses your heart desires

  The MIT Bulletin, your graduate counselor, your research supervisor, your instructors, and your graduate student peers are all excellent sources of suggestions for subjects that may be a good match to Area I students and interests. While Area I students invariably end up taking at least as many subjects outside Area I’s offerings as they do inside, in the remainder of this section we summarize some of the historically popular Area I follow-on offerings:

  · 6.231 (Dynamic Programming and Stochastic Control)

  · 6.242 (Advanced Linear Control Systems)

  · 6.243J (Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems)

  · 6.245 (Multivariable Control Systems)

  · 6.252J (Nonlinear Programming)

  · 6.263J (Data-Communication Networks)

  · 6.291 (Seminar in Systems, Communication, and Control Research)

  · 6.343 (Digital Speech Processing)

  · 6.344 (Two-Dimensional Signal and Image Processing)

  · 6.345 (Automatic Speech Recognition)

  · 6.435 (System Identification)

  · 6.441 (Transmission of Information)

  · 6.442 (Optical Networks)

  · 6.451 (Principles of Digital Communication II)

  · 6.452(Principles of Wireless Communication)

  · 6.454 (Graduate Seminar in Area I)

  · 6.455 (Sonar, Radar and Seismic Signal Processing)

  · 6.456 (Array Processing)



  Computer science

  Tackling subjects including mathematical foundations of computation, cryptography, artificial intelligence, robotics, vision, machine learning, molecular biology, database systems, networks, computer architecture, and operating systems.

  注:MIT的计算机科学在Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science中,这里不过多的说明Computer Science,具体的相关信息在另一文中说明。值得注意的是,将Computer Science同Electrical Engineering 在一个部门,就可以看出两者之间的关系了。


  Electronics, computers and systems

  Exploring topics ranging from device-level circuit design and computer-aided design to signal processing techniques involving electromagnetic or mechanical waves.


  Areas of Focus

  There are five broad areas of focus within Area III:

  A. Signal Processing, Communications, and Control

  The subjects relevant to signal processing, communications and control include several which are basic to other areas as well as to Area III. Statistics, random signals, and noise are discussed in 6.432, and basic principles of linear system theory are developed in 6.241 and 6.242. Digital signal processing is presented in 6.341 together with some basic linear system theory. 6.343, 6.344 and 6.345 are more advanced subjects in signal processing. Graduate electives develop a variety of other concepts and technologies basic to the analysis and design of communications, control, and signal processing systems. Other more mathematical subjects are not listed here because they normally fall within the province of Area I.

  B. Energy and Power Systems

  Energy and power systems involve subjects that explore signal processing devices and techniques involving electromagnetic or mechanical waves, and therefore are often accompanied by an appropriate background course in electromagnetics. 6.334, and 6.685 cover topics in this subject area. Those interested in micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) may elect 6.777.

  C. Circuits and Systems

  Circuits and systems center on device-level circuit and system design, which are discussed in several undergraduate and graduate subjects. Graduate students may want to take undergraduate laboratory subjects 6.101, 6.111, or 6.115 The electives 6.301 and 6.302 have long provided valuable background for analog electronic circuits. In addition, they may consider graduate subjects such as 6.331, 6.334, 6.374, 6.376, 6.775, and 6.776.

  D. Digital Design and Computer Architecture

  Digital design and computer architecture courses include some useful subjects offered as undergraduate electives. 6.823 is a basic course in computer architecture but requires some computer science background. 6.374 is the advanced subject in VLSI and Integrated Circuit design. The thesis and other individual programs are also very important in developing expertise in this area; these opportunities are discussed later in this guide. Some students may find it beneficial to consider other subjects in this sequence, such as 6.004 (computer architecture) if this material is unfamiliar.

  E. Computer-Aided Design and Numerical Methods

  Computer-aided design and numerical method are covered in graduate-level courses such as 6.336J which introduces computational simulation and optimization, 6.337J for iterative and direct linear solution, FFT, and wavelets, and 6.338J for parallel computing.


  Programs for graduate students in electronics, computers, and systems lead to the degrees of Master of Science, Master of Engineering, Electrical Engineer, Doctor of Philosophy, and Doctor of Science.

  注:我们可以看到,不同的大方向下细分的专业有相关联的部分,比如MIT 有一个大的方向是Systems, communication, control and signal processing,但是在这个方向下也有Signal Processing, Communications, and Control 的细分,就像MIT的部门主页说的,各个方向的知识是互通的,不是独立的。


  Engineering physics

  Solving engineering problems in energy and power, electromagnetic systems, photonics and optics, superconductivity, solid state devices, electronic materials, microsystems and nanotechnology.


  Guide to Graduate Study in Area IV: Engineering Physics

  Welcome to Area IV!

  What is Area IV “Engineering Physics” about? Is Area IV about engineering or is it about physics? The simple answer is that Area IV has both, and a multitude of both in numerous multidisciplinary fields, including chemistry, materials science, mathematics, physics, electrical engineering, biology and bioelectrical engineering, and in mechanical engineering too! Area IV Engineering Physics uses the foundation and underlying principles of physics to enable the engineering of complex integrated systems. For a few examples, the systems under investigation span electronics, optoelectronics, photonics, lasers, plasma fusion, quantum communication and computation, microelectromechanical and microfluidic structures.

  To help you navigate Area IV in EECS, the faculty and staff have identified nine topics that are broadly covered in the many research activities underway. The highlighted topics are electromagnetics, photonics, power,energy, materials, devices, microsystems, nanotechnology, and physics of information. For each topic, we have compiled a sampling of the research that is carried out, along with a listing of undergraduate and graduate subjects that may cover some aspect of the particular topic. In addition, many different seminars are offered each week with a particular theme that aligns well with a topic or topics. And finally, a number of central laboratories, as well as individually-supervised laboratories, are also available to conduct the multitude of Area IV research activities.

  注:The highlighted topics are electromagnetics, photonics, power,energy, materials, devices, microsystems, nanotechnology, and physics of information. 为了更加清晰地了解这个方向,突出这样一些科目,电磁学、光学、电力、能量、材料、设备、微系统、纳米技术、物理信息。


  First Year and Introductory Graduate Subjects:

  6.337JFallIntroducation to Numerical Methods (same as 18.335J)

  6.630Fall, SpringElectromagnetics and Applications (meets with 6.013)

  6.621SpringFundamentals of Photonics (meets with 6.602)

  6.631FallOptics and Photonics

  6.637FallOptical Signals, Devices and Systems (meets with 6.161)

  6.728FallApplied Quantum and Statistical Physics

  6.673SpringIntroduction to Numerical Simulation in Electrical Engineering

  More Advanced Graduate Subjects:

  6.442SpringOptical Networks

  6.443JSpringQuantum Information Science

  6.453Fall, alt even yrsQuantum Optical Communication

  6.634JSpringNonlinear Optics

  6.638Fall, alt even yrsUltrafast Optics

  6.731Fall, alt even yrsSemiconductor Optoelectronics: Theory and Design

  6.789Fall, alt odd yrsOrganic Optoelectronics


  Undergraduate Subjects:

  6.007Fall, SpringApplied Electromagnetics: from Motors to Lasers

  6.013Fall, SpringElectromagnetics and Applications (meet with 6.630)

  6.161FallModern Optics Project Laboratory (meets with 6.637)

  6.602SpringFundamentals of Photonics (meets with 6.621)

  前面我们已经说过了,MIT 鼓励学生修习本科阶段的课程,这不丢人。



  Bioelectrical engineering

  Engineering solutions for living systems, including biomedical electronics, speech synthesis and recognition, and the electromechanical properties of biological cells

  虽然该方向名为Bioelectrical engineering但是更加倾向于biomedical,它的相关方向也都是与医学相关的方向。这种交叉学科对于国内的申请者是比较困难的。除非背景条件非常出色否则很难有好的结果。再加上敏感学科的签证难度,我们国内申请者大多没有机会申请成功。

  Although the interests of faculty in BioMedical Sciences and Engineering are diverse, the areas in which they work can be categorized into 5 core sub-areas:

  Cellular and Molecular Engineering细胞和分子工程

  Primary focus is engineering as it applies to biomolecules or tissues. Some examples include synthetic biology, tissue engineering, regenerative biology, systems biology and macromolecular simulations.

  Medical Imaging医学成像

  Primary focus is the development of technologies that improve our ability to visualize living systems at high resolution. Some examples include bio-optics, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and functional Imaging of tissues.

  Medical Devices and Microsystems医疗设备和微系统

  Primary focus is the development of devices that facilitate biomedical monitoring and/or high throughput screening. Some examples include microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), Bioinstrumentation, medical devises for non-invasive physiologic monitoring and sensory aids for the deaf and blind.

  Clinical Inference and Learning in Medicine临床医学推理

  Primary focus is the use of sophisticated algorithms to facilitate clinical decision making. Some examples include building predictive models to identify high risk patient subgroups and natural language processing to extract meaningful data from clinical narratives.

  Physiological Modeling生理建模

  Primary focus is the development of sophisticated models to understand and/or model important features of complex biological organisms. Some examples include auditory physiology, human speech recognition, and the construction of models to assess overall cardiovascular health.
