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  Journalism Personal Statement 新闻学个人陈述(PS)

  Journalism is my chosen degree to study as I have a enthusiastic interest for news locally, nationally and international. After my degree my ideal career would be a journalist in one of over 100 regional and local daily papers in the UK.

  I developed a keen interest in journalism throughout my active role in the sixth form. As well as studying History and Geography, I study English. With English being my passion, my ability to write in a style that is interesting to read and understand has improved.

  My interest is supported by the work experience in which I have participated at my local newspaper, The ****** Courant. A new approach is required as every day a new story can be found. I soon became committed and willing to work irregular hours and put the needs of the job before a social life.

  Letters expressing my personal opinions have been published in regional newspapers. I have appeared on television discussing the recent foot and mouth disaster, and stating how the calamity has affected our local community and educational studies.

  My first year of sixth form was a course of AS levels. My ability to work hard, especially under pressure, and the requirement to meet deadlines was enhanced.

  Commitment, determination, persistence and communication are fundamentally key skills I have accomplished during time in the sixth form, supported by an Asdan University Award, which was granted after the completion of three challenges, which included learning to play a piano, learning to drive a car and working with a local brownie group.

  All challenges required key skills for success,"working with others" problem solving" and developing own learning. Currently I still help at the Brownies, qualifying for my millennium volunteers award.

  For the past four years I have worked as a part time waitress and receptionist. These roles involve using computers, taking bookings, dealing with requests, complaints, compliments, handling money, and dealing with customers. I have developed good communication skills and I am confidently able to listen as well as talk.

  Living in a rural location, I am an energetic member of the young farmers club and an effective team player, participating in sporting events, quizzes, debating and public speaking competitions.





