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  谢菲尔德商学院 Sheffield Business School

  国际酒店管理MSc International Hospitality Management

  国际酒店和旅游管理MSc International Hospitality & Tourism Management

  国际会展和会议管理MSc International Events and Conference Management

  国际市场营销MSc International Marketing

  全球商务管理MSc Managing Global Business

  国际商务管理MSc International Business and Management

  MBA (Masters in Business Administration)

  硕士预科 商务和英语 Graduate Diploma in Business & English

  财政管理MA Financial Management

  银行学和金融 MA Banking and Finance

  人力资源管理 MSc Human Resource Management


  高级工程MSc Advanced Engineering

  高级设计工程MSc Advanced Design Engineering

  高级工程和管理MSc Advanced Engineering and Management

  高级制造工程MSc Advanced Manufacturing Engineering

  高级材料工程MSc Advanced Materials Engineering

  高级机械工程MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering

  计算机和网络工程MSc Computer and Network Engineering

  电子和信息技术MSc Electronics and information Technology

  电视通讯和电子工程MSc Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering

  产业管理 MBA MBA Industrial Management 数据学MSc Database Professional

  企业系统学MSc Enterprise System Professional

  物流和供应链管理MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management

  信息科技MSc Information Technology

  网络工程学MSc Networking Professional

  MBA信息系统MBA Information Systems

  信息系统安全 MSc Information Systems Security

  软件工程MSc Software Engineering

  技术咨询MSc Technical Consulting

  发展与社会学院 Faculty of Development and Society

  健康心理学 MSc Health Psychology

  所有研究类的硕士课程All MRes courses

  项目管理MSc Project Management

  建筑管理MSc Construction Management

  城市复建MSc Urban Regeneration

  法律和公司策略LLM Law & Corporate Strategy

  健康与福利学院 Faculty of Health and Wellbeing

  药理学和生物工程MSc Pharmacology and Biotechnology

  生物医药疾病MSc Biomedical Basis of Disease

  制药分析MSc Pharmaceutical Analysis*

  应用理疗MSc Applying Physiotherapy

  *MSc Pharmaceutical Analysis

  Please note - As well as BPharm graduates, the biosciences department also welcomes applications from graduates of chemistry (e.g. BSc Chemistry) for their course MSc Pharmaceutical Science. This course is ideal for those wishing to progress to a career in the analytical departments of the pharma industry.


  Biomedical Research Centre

  The Biomedical Research Centre (BMRC) 在MSc Biosciences Programmes里将为国际学生提供2个为期20周的职位。该实习是带薪的,学生将与学术老师、研究生和博士后一起工作,提供技能和就业能力。

  2011年硕士毕业的学生将可以申请该实习机会。学生需要在谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学完成 MSc Biosciences相关的专业(MSc Pharmacology and Biotechnology, MSc Biomedical Basis of Disease, MSc Pharmaceutical Analysis or MSc Genes and Proteins in Disease),通过所有的硕士科目并达到60%的分数,并需要通过一个研究项目来展示自己的独特实力。合格的应聘者将进入候选名单并接受面试。





