众所周知,英国的商科很少提供奖学金,更不用提是一年的讲授制硕士学习了。而今年九月份将去里丁大学Reading University 商学院就读硕士的中国学生,只要第一学期成绩优秀,就有望在第二学期获得高达1000英镑的奖学金。
想申请雷丁大学奖学金的同学,拨打电话400 811 8484或010-58698484转英国留学专家索要报名表。
Faculty Studentships
The Institute may nominate up to three applicants for a Faculty Studentship. All applications received before mid-March will be considered for submission.
School Bursaries
Each year the school tries to offer students bursaries to assist with student study. Information is available on a yearly basis.
We offer
a Major bursary (three years' fees paid at the home rate plus a stipend of £5,000 per annum for three years);
a Minor bursary (three years' fees paid at the home rate)
a Peter Campbell bursary (three years at £2,000 per annum, restricted to those undertaking research into a topic in European government, politics or international relations)
SCAST Awards
The Schools Competition Act Settlement Trust seeks annual applications for a range of post-graduate awards These include a Postgraduate Research Scholarship of £15,000 per annum for three years, and up to 50 postgraduate bursaries of £2,500. Applicants must be former students of the SCAST schools, and the deadline for the Research Scholarship is usually every June.