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The Academic Board has recently determined to delay the start and end dates for the two main semesters in 2021 by one week as a response to the delay in Semester 2, 2020. This will not impact course length or content, but it will mean that we will need to reissue offer letters to students holding unconditional offers and to students who have already accepted their offer and ask them to re-accept the new offer that reflects amended 2021 semester dates. If they had previously received an eCOE, we will send an amended eCOE a few days after they re-accept.




The adjustment for 2021 means that Welcome Week for Semester 1, 2021 will now commence on 22 February 2021 and Semester 1 teaching will run from 1 March 2021 to 4 June 2021.  All 2021 semester dates will be updated on the University website over the next couple of weeks.

All future students will receive a communication from us advising them on the change and identifying if they need to take any steps.

2021年的调整意味着2021年第一学期的迎新周将从2021年2月22日开始,第一学期的教学将从2021年3月1日开始至2021年6月4日。 所有2021个学期大学网站上日期将被更新在接下来的几周。

·  Conditional offer holders don’t need to do anything. Once they meet their conditions, their unconditional offer will be issued with the 2021 semester dates for them to accept (this includes our packaged students currently studying in CET). 有条件offer持有者不需要做任何事情。一旦他们符合条件,他们的无条件录取通知将会在2021年的学期内发给他们(包括我们目前在CET的打包学生)。

·  Unconditional offer holders will be reissued a new unconditional offer and asked to accept to secure their place in the program. 无条件录取的学生将被重新颁发一份新的无条件录取通知书,并被要求接受,以确保他们的位置

·  Acceptances will be issued with a revised unconditional offer and asked to re-accept. An amended eCOE will be sent a few days later. 接受函将附有修改后的录取,并要求重新接受。修改后的eCOE将在几天后发出。


Your clients will soon receive an email from us advising them of the change and outlining any next steps. Please assist us with confirming to the students (and their families) that this is a minor adjustment of one week to benefit the current students and staff who have adjusted their current semester due to COVID-19. The 2021 change will not impact the duration or content of the programs.