应用数据分析研究生证书(Grad Cert Applied Data Analytics)
应用数据分析研究生文凭(Grad Dip Applied Data Analytics)
应用数据分析硕士(Master of Applied Data Analytics)
Master of Engineering in Energy Systems;
Master of Engineering Robotics Automation and Control。
Master of Management
Master of Management(Marketing)
Master of Management(Accounting)
Master of Management(Finance)
Master of Management(Human Resources)
Master of Management(Accounting and Finance)
Master of International Business
蒙纳士大学2025年S1开学在即,学校将陆续为S1入读的相关学生发送课程注册(Enrolment)提醒及有关晚到校(Late arrival)的邮件,请学生查收邮件,并尽早完成在线课程注册。
如下课程无法申请晚到校(这部分课程的最晚完成在线课程注册时间和到校时间是3月 7 日)
o A2003 Bachelor of Music
o A2004 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music
o A2021 Bachelor of Media Communication and Bachelor of Music
o A3702 Bachelor of Music (Honours)
o B2022 Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Music
o D3004 Bachelor of Education (Honours) and Bachelor of Music
o L3006 Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Bachelor of Music
o S3701 Bachelor of Science (Honours)
o M2006 Bachelor of Nursing
o M3001 Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours)
o M3002 Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)
o M3006 Bachelor of Radiography and Medical Imaging (Honours)
o M3007 Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor of Midwifery (Honours)
o M6011 Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine
o M6018 Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine
o M5010 Graduate Diploma in Reproductive Sciences
o M6002 Master of Nutrition and Dietetics
o M6003 Master of Biomedical and Health Science
o M6006 Master of Advanced Nursing
o M6010 Intensive Master of Clinical Embryology
o M6012 Master of Social Work
o M6014 Master of Addictive Behaviours
o M6015 Master of Specialist Paramedic Practice
o M6016 Master of Nursing Practice
o M6030 Master of Biotechnology
o M6043 Podiatric Medicine