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1. 不再接受PTE Online。

2. 依然接受Duolingo!总分和部分单项分数要求有所提高。

3. 暂不接受LanguageCert。大学的审查工作目前正在进行,在完成后本测试将被重新添加到可接受的语言考试列表中,同时确认所需的分数。

4. PTE UKVI 已暂时从大学网站上列出的可接受的英语语言测试中删除,同时大学将进行调查确保基准正确。


2024 Entry - English Language Updates

We have updated our English Language Proficiency webpage to reflect the most up-to-date information for 2024 entry. Some of the main changes that you need to be aware of are:

  • A PDF outlining the UoS English Language Proficiency Bands for 2024 Entry has been added to the bottom of the page.

  • PTE Academic Online has been removed as an accepted test.

  • Duolingo scores have increased for some components/bands, with full details available in the proficiency band document (linked above).

  • LanguageCert has temporarily been removed as an accepted test as we have spotted an issue with the required scores. A review is currently underway and, once complete, the test will be re-added to the accepted list, along with confirmation of the scores required.

  • Pearson Academic UKVI scores have beem removed (temporarily) from the accepted English Language tests listed on the website whilst we investigate and make sure our benchmarking is correct.