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  The average student has worked for five or six years between college and the MBA program官方数据。2010年总共800+个学生,45%女生,55%男生。工作经验最短是0年。Banking背景的较多;大陆本科生无工作经历,但有四大的实习经历,可以申请:

Class of 2013

Applications 6,442
Enrolled Class 845
Female 45%
International Students 36%
US Students of Color* 33%
Median Work Experience 4%
GMAT Range 560-790
Median GMAT 720
Countries Represented 73
Undergrad Major
Humanities/Social Science 43%
Business 29%
Engineering/Math/Science 25%
Other 3%
Previous Industry Experience**
Consulting 22%
Private Equity/Venture Capital 16%
Investment Banking 14%
Government/Military/Non-Profit 12%
Consumer Products/Health Care/Bio Tech/Retail 9%
Investment Management 7%
Tech/Internet/E-Commerce 5%
Other Financial Services 5%
Media & Entertainment 4%
Other 6%

  * Students of African American, Asian American, Hispanic American, Native American/Alaska Native descent and Multiethnic backgrounds.

  ** Based on predominant experience pre-Wharton

  * Note: Profile as of June 2011


  GPA 最少都有3 TOEFL 最低100 GMAT最好上700 不承认IELTS the average TOEFL/iTOEFL score was 633/110.

  Those who have never had a college-level calculus or statistics course are encouraged to take one before arriving on campus。入学需要数学测试,如果没有,则需要注册上数学学分。

  就业去向:外商的公司很多。IT方面有很多公司,比如IBM, GOOGLE, Microsoft

  Deadline : October 3, 20119 Round 1)January 4, 2012 (Round 2)March 5, 2012 【Round 3】


  18 specializations, including an individualized major - Nearly 200 electives - 10 + interdisciplinary degrees the core curriculum covers traditional management disciplines with an emphasis on analytical rigor – accounting, finance, marketing, management, marketing operations, statistics, and strategy – as well as the leadership, ethics, and communication skills necessary for leadership.分pre-term core major elective 四个部分

  沃顿有个MBA healthcare专业,是少数的需要在申请时候定下的专业之一,内部的人主有这样几类背景:Healthcare related area Ph.D.毕业直接来 曾经在healthcare 方面的PE/VC工作 曾经在healthcare方面有创业经验 需要两轮面试,一个是沃顿的面试,一个是healthcare的人来给申请人面试。





