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  What the Admissions Committee Seeks 招生委员会希望看到什么

  In a tumultuous world economy, getting into an Ivy League school is more competitive than ever. Each year, Harvard, Yale and other Ivy League programs receive thousands of applications from candidates who have exceptional grades and SAT scores. How can you possibly distinguish yourself in such a formidable applicant pool? With an impressive and unforgettable set of essays.

  Undergraduate applicants are required to submit several essays relating to their career objectives, life experiences and personal goals. For many students, they constitute the most important aspect of the application. While specific questions may vary among universities, the essays will require you to discuss: 文章应该讨论你的下列问题

  a) your career goals and potential for professional success 职业目标和潜力

  b) your unique personal attributes 独特的个人品质

  c) your qualifications and experiences 资格和经历

  The essays must also accomplish a fourth objective, which is to demonstrate that you possess both the hard (academic) and soft (interpersonal) skills required to succeed at an Ivy League university and as a leader in your chosen profession. Not an easy task! 文章还应该有第四个目标,也就是要说明你不仅学习好,而且善于交流

  Competition for Ivy League programs is fierce, as they are the most prestigious in the world. Your personal statement carries more weight in the admissions process than you may realize. Perfect grade point averages and SAT scores are expected at this level, as are maturity and excellent communication skills. Your best chance to stand out in the crowd is by conveying the exceptional personal attributes that will make you a unique, well-rounded addition to the university. Ironically, applicants often minimize the importance of the essay and the personal interview. Yet they are your best opportunities to demonstrate your strengths outside the classroom. 成为 常春藤联合会学校学生竞争激烈

  The essay is the only aspect of the admissions process in which money does not offer an advantage, as there are few resources available for its preparation. Wealthy students often take expensive preparatory classes for the SAT, ACT and TOEFL, gaining a competitive advantage in this area. Affluent students also have the benefit of attending expensive college-preparatory programs, which offer more electives and a more diverse educational experience. Yet the application essay is the same for everyone and effectively levels the playing field. It provides all applicants the same opportunity to demonstrate their personal strengths and unique contributions. 体现个人优势和独特贡献

  Admissions officers that we interviewed told us that they seek the following traits in undergraduate applicants: motivation maturity enthusiasm honesty independence creativity strong ethics humor confidence curiosity perseverence communication动机,成熟,激情,诚实,独立,创造性,幽默,信心,好奇,毅力,沟通

  Your personal statement is your opportunity to show the committee that you are a unique, well-rounded, confident person who is committed to succeed in life. You cannot gain acceptance into an Ivy League school without compelling personal essays.

  We recommend that you avoid four common pitfalls: 以下四个是应该避免出现的问题

  a) Rehashing of your academic achievements 重复学习能力

  b) Manipulative or argumentative essays on controversial issues 谈论富有争议的话题

  c) Technical essays that don't reveal your personal side 过于技术性,不能体现个性的文章。

  d) Idealistic, naive essays that suggest you will single-handedly solve the world's problem过于理想化和幼稚的。

  In our admissions work, we frequently see well-intentioned essays fall flat because they don't capture the reader's interest and convey the writer's true personality. Far too often, the essays simply reiterate material that is presented elsewhere in the application, which wastes a golden opportunity to present a new side of yourself. 一定要吸引读者的兴趣。

  Don't underestimate the committee's interest in your maturity and interpersonal strengths (or lack of them). Due to the high ethical standards and level of critical thinking expected in the Ivy League, your character and motivation will be highly scrutinized during the admission process. Use the essay set to sell your whole self, not just the individual pieces that you think they want to see. 招生委员会对你是否成熟以及交流能力非常关注,你的个性和动机





