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拿到录取的法国INSEAD MBA的Essay成稿

  编者语:前段时间,一位学生在申请美国名校MBA,INSEAD失败之后,找到留学e网时瑞老师,在时老师的帮助下,成功的拿到了INSEAD MBA的录取通知书。法国INSEAD成立于1957年,是世界最大和最有影响力的独立商学院之一,也是 欧洲最受尊重、历年排名首位的商学院。在2010全球MBA排行榜中INSEAD位列第五名。1. Please give a detailed description of your job, including nature of work, major responsibilities; and, where relevant, employees under your supervision, size of budget, number of clients/products and results achieved. (250 words)

  From December 2009 to now, I have worked as the credit risk manager and secretary of Credit Management Committee for SSSS Luxembourg Branch, mainly dealing with leading a team to do credit risk analysis of major corporation clients and financial products which refer to major western European countries, Latin American and African countries.

  .My major responsibilities are as follows:

  1. Various qualitative risk profile analysis and calculation.

  2. Risk management of the bank portfolio, including credit risk, market risk and liquidity risk.

  3. Assistant manager in case of the absence of the department manager.

  4. Organizing credit management meeting.

  5. Risk research of new marketing strategies and financial products.

  The total number of SSSS Luxembourg Branch is nearly 40. 3 employees are under my supervision. Currently, due to the rapid expansion of SSSS Europe, the number of employees is increased dramatically.

  Budget size: 8 million Euros.

  Number of Clients: 100, such as Air France, Siemens, EDF and CNPC

  Major results achieved: In Sept. 2008, my department was subjected to conform a pan-European risk and credit management center to manage all 6 branches of SSSS. My group successfully completed the Feasibility Report of the plan while saved 40% of budgeted time, and my team initiated the establishment of Credit Management Center and the compliance and regulation research of all these countries with flying colors. I was internally appointed to take charge of the Credit Management Center. By the end of 2009, I was nominated as one of the two employees of the year. (259 words)

  2. Please give us a full description of your career since graduating from university. If you were to remain with your present employer, what would be your next step in terms of position? (250 words)

  5-years dedication for SSSS Luxembourg Branch is my pilgrimage, in which I made progress by leaps and bounds.

  In July 2005, I started working in SSSS Luxembourg branch as the Account and Customer Manager. I worked 3 months as the Account Manager Assistant and later took the position of Account Manager. By the end of 2005, my sales performance was 30% above average.

  By the end of 2006, I was made the Accountant and Operation Supervisor in a team of 4 people. I dealt with not only accounting issue but also performance measurements of 30 employees of 4 different departments. As operation supervisor, I also worked closely with customers and our sales team and provided accounting inputs and solutions to their financial plans.

  By 2009, I was promoted into the Risk Manager for newly founded Risk Management Department for SSSS Europe. By cooperating with several risk analysts, I showed extraordinary performance and excelled in solving multinational and inter-agency problems. Meanwhile, I was appointed as the Secretary of Credit Committee, a position set to prepare young employees to become a formal member of the credit committee.

  I have been already internally appointed to Department Deputy Manager and Supervisor of Credit Management Center. I further expect myself to become a department manager within next 3 or 4 years and also a member of credit committee. (223 words)

  1. Give a candid description of yourself, stressing the personal characteristics you feel to be your strengths and weaknesses and the main factors, which have influenced your personal development, giving examples when necessary. (400 words approx.)

  Firstly, I am a man of principal and loyalty. My family had been in the army for three generations until my father who adds his brilliance to China’s diplomacy. My grandfather was regimental commander, a man of great pride. He was discharged because he refused to send a couple of teenagers to North Korea. Edified in such a family, I never compromise when it comes to my core value. I have been judged in different ways, but one thing in common is that I am always complemented for my strong sense of loyalty and principal, which is a strength I value most. I think within the body of every businessman should flow the blood of morality.

  Secondly, I am equipped with cultural diversification and international mindset. I was brought up by my relatives in Northeastern China and East China respectively. Even in China, I can’t simply be judged by a definite area. At the age of 13, I studied in French independently. In 2005, I studied at University of Bedfordshire. I served my internship in an American company and I have been working in Luxembourg for five years. In the process of communicating with people of different backgrounds, I am eager to learn from and cooperate with others, and absorb what is good to renew myself. With inborn Chinese DNA-diligence, I can take China’s cultural heritage discriminatingly. I can’t deny that I am not a traditional Chinese. While I am longing for enriching international mindset through diversification at your university, I would like to add this cultural diversification and international mindset to your community.

  Thirdly, I excel in taking the history as mirror, seeing China in the light of her development and finding the tailor-made position for me. Born in a nation with a civilization stretching back several thousand years, I am fascinated about her history, which I take as a mirror to predict the future. Based on rapid development of China’s financial market, I can predict its development trend to properly find the tailor-made position so as to better serve national financial development.

  Last but not least, I am armed with overwhelming concentration and strong determination. Once I decide to achieve an objective, I exert my greatest effort to devote everything in it. For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart, I will not regret even a thousand deaths. This will be my guiding principle on my way ahead.

  However, the most obvious change of me in 2010 is that I take delight in enjoying the setbacks, disappointment and misunderstanding, which I suffered from in the past. I have changed the past weakness into my advantages. (436 words)



  2、即使在国内,也很难用地域来确定学生的归属。13岁后的经历,具备international mindset,并用事实证明自己并不是传统意义上的中国人。在所有申请者都在陈述渴望得到INSEAD的International mindset and diversity 的时候,你却愿意站出来为INSEAD带来你的这种不同,这点不同正是INSEAD需要的,自然会记住你,然后和你聊聊吧。主要的是想以此来弥补GPA的不足(学生平均分只有78),让录取委员会的人忘记国内那些牛校的GPA高的申请者。


  Insead 培养目标:

  Global business

  The awareness of economic, social and political trends, and the ability to construct meaningful scenarios are key in doing business across borders. A global mindset is also about understanding global business.

  Global citizens

  While globalization is a powerful engine, business leaders need to be conscious of socio-economic issues, from ethics and good governance to sustainable development and social responsibility.


  5、due diligence'如果有机会,面试的时候再聊吧。







