
当前位置:老首页 > 签证申请 > 加拿大留学签证 > 加拿大留学签证经验共享 > 加拿大留学签证成功分享


  首次携行签证通过,实在很意外,激动之余早就想写签经,但是最近刚到出时间。希望还能帮到其他有相同情况的人。我有加拿大学校的奖学金,去读书。我和husband签证的时间经过是这样的, 我本人签证--通过--办理结婚登记--husband 办签证--成功签过。我们俩个可以一起出去了。我们是本科同学,认识六年,在一起4年,有很多双人照片,没有婚礼照片,没有双方父母照片,但是有单个人和对方家长的合影。


  Basic Materials

  1. 1 check of Application Fee

  2. 2 copies of the “Application for a Temporary Resident Visa” form completed in English

  3. 1 “Family Composition/Education and Employment” form completed in both Chinese and English

  4. 4 passport-sized Photographs

  5. 1 original and valid Passport

  6. 2 self-addressed adhesive Labels

  7. 1 original of my wife’s Letter of Acceptance from Graduate School University of Waterloo indicating the amount of financial aids, tuition fees and living expenses

  8. 1 original of my wife’s Letter of Acceptance from Department of Computer Science University of Waterloo

  9. 1 copy of my wife’s valid Study Visa.

  10. 1 Page of Invitation Letter from my wife

  11. A List showing the number of people in my wife’s household

  12. 1 notarized copy of No Criminal Activity Certificate

  13. 1 notarized copy of Marriage Certificate

  Funding Materials

  1. 1 original Certificate of Deposit

  2. 1 copy of deposit slip

  3. Photocopies of two House Property Certificate with English translated edition

  4. 1 notarized copy of Father-Sun Relationship Certificate

  5. 1 notarized copy of Mother-Sun Relationship Certificate

  6. 4 original bank passbooks stating the deposing and drawing record for the past 3 years.

  7. 1 original day-to-day account from Post Office Savings Bank of China.

  8. 1 Explanation of the Source of Funds

  Other Supporting Materials

  1. 1 Page of Personal Statement on my application

  2. 1 official Undergraduate Diploma and Certificate of Bachelor Degree

  3. 1 page of official Certificate of On Graduate Study

  4. 1 set of sealed official Undergraduate Transcripts

  5. 1 set of sealed official Graduate Transcripts

  6. Several of my wife’s and my pictures.

  他父亲开了10万元的存款证明,活期的,而且是新开的一个折,里面没有任何存款记录,当时他爸爸这里处理,我们心就凉了,因为据说是要18个月,而且是定期的!看来定期也不是死规定。 但是可能是我的资金来源解释的比较好。而且他夫亲是干个体的,没有工作单位,没有税单, 所以没开工作证明。 她母亲没有提供资金,所以也没开工作证明,免得要打电话调查,很麻烦也很容易出错的。个人觉得,不论什么情况都要如实,不要弄假。因为既然你想出国了,也能出国,就应该家里能担负的起。所以家里是什么情况就如实提供材料。


  留学加拿大 为父母申请到加拿大多次往返签证


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