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1 .University of St.Andrews 圣安德鲁斯大学


Masters Degree: MLitt in Human ResourceManagement


Ø 录取要求:

211、985/非211 均分85%

A good undergraduate degree equivalent to a 2.1 (Upper Second Class Honours) orbetter in Business, Management or an area of study related to Human ResourceManagement. Students without a relevant background in business or managementare advised to consider the MLitt Management Programme.



n MSc Human Resources and Organisations:

Ø IELTS:7.0(阅读、听力6.5,写作、口语6.0)

Ø 录取要求:


3.University of Durham 杜伦大学


MSc Management (Human Resource Management)

Ø IELTS:7.0(6.0)

Ø 录取要求:

排名前70的学校:排名前10均分 80%、排名10-70 85%

4.University of Warwick 华威大学


MSc Human Resource Management & EmploymentRelations(CIPD认证)


Ø 录取要求:


You must have, or be expecting to obtain, a good undergraduate degree from a UKuniversity, or overseas equivalent. We accept students from a wide rangeof disciplines.

5.University of Bath 巴斯大学


MSc inHuman Resource Management and Consulting

? have a good undergraduate degree in business/management.

? Other degrees with significant business/management components or in a social science subject may also be considered.

? MSc in Human Resource Management andConsulting programme is open to graduates who currently have little or nobusiness experience.

Ø IELTS:7.0(6.5)

Ø 录取要求:

排名前200院校 均分85分以上

6.University of Lancaster 兰卡斯特大学


Human Resources and Consulting MA

somerelevant work experience can be helpful for this programme. For many students,this will have been gained in management education, training or development,consultancy or other branches of management; experience of voluntaryorganisations is also very useful.

MSc HumanResource & Knowledge Management

Managementand Business Studies (especially where students have already studied areassuch as organisational behaviour or human resource management), Social Sciences(for example particularly those with a more qualitative approach suchas Sociology, Psychology, Applied Social Science) History, Philosophy,English, Languages Arts or other Humanities with very good grades

Ø IELTS:7.0(6.0)

Ø 录取要求:


7.University of Surrey 萨里大学


Human ResourceManagement MSc

Ø IELTS:6.5(6.0)

Ø 录取要求:

Applicants should normally hold a Bachelors degree (UK 2.1 or above) orequivalent qualification from a recognised British or overseas university in arelated subject (psychology, economics, law, business administration).

If an applicant’sBachelors degree is not in a subject related to the MSc, some relevant workexperience would be an advantage. Higher level professional qualifications mayalso be accepted. Each applicant is assessed on their own merit.

8.University of East Anglia 东英吉利大学


MSc HumanResource Management

Ø IELTS:6.5(6.0)

Ø 录取要求:

DegreeSubject: All subjects excluding Business (unless studied in a non-UKcontext)

DegreeClassification: Good 2.2 or equivalent

9.University of Birmingham 伯明翰大学


HumanResource Management MSc

Ø IELTS:7.0(6.5)

Ø 录取要求:

At least an upper second-class degree orpostgraduate diploma from a UK university or equivalent. For those notqualified for direct entry to the one-year MSc programmes, a preliminary yearmay be available.

10.University of York 约克大学


MA in Human Resource Management

in a social sciences subject.

Applicationswill also be considered from candidateswith a good 2:2 degree (or equivalent) and at least two years relevant workexperience.

Ø IELTS:6.5(写作6.5,其余6.0)

Ø 录取要求:


11.Univeisity of Southampton 南安普顿大学


MSc HumanResource Management

Ø IELTS 7.0overall with 6.0 in all components

Ø 录取要求:

Firstor upper second class honours degree from a UK university or equivalentoverseas/ professional qualification in an appropriate subject.

排名前200或211大学或金融、经济、商科较强的名校 均分80分以上。

12.University of Newcastle 纽卡斯尔大学


HumanResource Management MA

InternationalHuman Resource Management MA

Ø IELTS:6.5(6.0)

Ø 录取要求:

A2:1 honours degree or international equivalent. We will also consider yourapplication on an individual basis if you have lower or non-standardqualifications and at least two years of relevant industry experience.

13.University of Edinburgh 爱丁堡大学


HumanResource Management MSc

① in any subject area.

② Work experience is not a requirement for entryto the programme. However, relevant work may increase your chances ofacceptance.

InternationalHuman Resource Management MSc

in any discipline

Ø IELTS:7.0(6.0)

Ø 录取要求:


14.University of Sheffield 谢菲尔德大学


MSc HumanResource Management

Ø IELTS:7.0(6.0)

Ø 录取要求:


15.University of Glasgow 格拉斯哥大学


Managementwith Human Resources MSc

Ø IELTS:6.5(两门6.5,剩余两门不低于6.0)

Ø 录取要求:

2.1Honours degree of non-UK equivalent (eg, a GPA of 3.0 or above) in any subject.Prior work experience is encouraged but not required.

This is a Generalist degree for studentswho have no previous studies in the area of Management and Human Resources.Those students who do have previous students in this area are advised toconsider the Specialist degree MSc International Management &Leadership.

 排名前200:1、985 均分75;2、211 均分80

 排名200-299 均分85

16.University of Cardiff 卡迪夫大学


HumanResource Management (MSc)

Ø IELTS:7.0(6.0)

Ø 录取要求:

Suitablefor graduates in business, social sciences, humanities or law.

Applicationswill be considered from recent graduates with an upper second class Honoursdegree from an approved university or those with a similar level ofqualification gained by other methods. Non-graduates with approved professionalqualifications or work experience may also be considered under certaincircumstances.

17.University of Manchester 曼彻斯特大学


HumanResource Development (International Development) MSc

Ø IELTS:6.5(写作6.5,其他6.0)

Ø 录取要求:

Applicantsshould have a Bachelors degree with a minimum classification of Second ClassHonours, Upper Division (2:1) or its international equivalent. We willconsider graduates of all disciplines. In certain instances we will alsoconsider applicants with a degree result of 2:2 (or equivalent). This may bethe case if an applicant has relevant professional experience (pleasesee below) or if their undergraduate degree is in a subject relevant to HRDsuch as (but not restricted to) Human Resource Management/Development,Education, Social Science, Politics, International Relations or PoliticalScience, Economics, Public Administration, Development Studies, Gender Studies,Sociology, Business, History, Geography, Engineering.

HumanResource Management (International Development) MSc

Ø IELTS:6.5(写作6.5,其他6.0)

Ø 录取要求:

Applicantsshould have a Bachelors degree with a minimum classification of Second ClassHonours Upper Division (2:1) or its international equivalent. Admission ofcandidates who do not meet this criterion may be approved if satisfactoryevidence of postgraduate study, research or professional experience can beprovided. Please contact the School's admissions office for further guidance.

n HumanResource Management and Industrial Relations MSc(CIPD认证)

in any discipline.

Ø IELTS:7.0(写作、口语6.5,其他6.0)

Ø 录取要求:


InternationalHuman Resource Management and Comparative Industrial Relations MSc(CIPD认证)

Ø IELTS:7.0(口语写作6.5,其他6.0)

Ø 录取要求:

Wenormally look for a UK bachelor degree with first or upper second classhonours, or the overseas equivalent, in any discipline.When assessing youracademic record, we take into account your grade average, position in class,references and the standing of the institution where you studied yourqualification.

18.King’s College London 伦敦大学国王学院


HumanResource Management & Organisational Analysis

Ø IELTS:7.0(7.0)

Ø 录取要求:

A good 2:1 undergraduate degree in the social sciences. You may be consideredwith a degree in another discipline, particularly if you have relevant workexperience.


19.University of Royal Holloway 伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院


InternationalHuman Resource Management (MSc)

Ø IELTS:6.5(写作6.5,其他6.0)

Ø 录取要求:

First degree UK Upper Second ClassHonours degree (2:1) or equivalent.

Alternative entry requirementsProfessional qualifications related to the field of International HumanResource Management and work experience in an associated area will be considered.

20.University of Leeds 利兹大学


MA HumanResource Management

Ø IELTS:6.5(6.0)

Ø 录取要求:

A 2:1 bachelors degree, usually in a social science subject, and relevantexperience. Applicants with a good quality degree from a non social sciencebackground will also be considered.

21.University of Liverpool 利物浦大学


HumanResource Management MSC

Ø IELTS:6.5(6.0)

Ø 录取要求:

Normallya 2:1 honours degree in any discipline is expected from a UK university or anequivalent academic qualification from a similar non-UK institution isrequired. Non-graduates with very extensive professional experience and/orother prior qualifications may also be considered. All candidates must meet ourrequired level of English.

? 211 985 均分80分以上

? 非211 均分85分以上

? 不接受三本学生

22.QueenMary, University of London 玛丽皇后学院


InternationalHuman Resource Management and Employment Relations

Ø IELTS:7.0(写作6.0)

Ø 录取要求:

A good upper second class honours degree or equivalent in any subject. Some basicquantitative skills and some elementary prior knowledge of accounting would bean advantage.

23.Heriot-watt University 赫瑞瓦特大学


HumanResource Management MSc

Ø IELTS:6.0(5.5)

Ø 录取要求:

Entry normally requires a relevant undergraduate degree; or passes in HumanResource Management and two other core courses.

24.University of Stirling 斯特灵大学


InternationalHuman Resource Management

Ø IELTS:6.0(5.5)

Ø 录取要求:

Aminimum of a second class honours degree (2.1 preferred) or equivalent. Applicants without these formal qualifications but with significantappropriate/relevant work/life experience are encouraged to apply.
