1. 金融学硕士 Master of Finance
·GMAT要求:630 +
2. 管理硕士 Master of Management with a major as follows
·该课程下有5个专业方向,主要为:Accounting and Finance, Accounting, Finance, HR,Marketing.
·学制:1.5年 和 2年学制 (Accounting and Finance专业方向只有2年学制)
·GMAT: 不需要提供GMAT;但个别学生有可能会被要求提供;
其中Accounting and Fiance专业方向需要的专业背景如下:1. UG degree in a business/commerce discipline or equivalent, including studies in accounting and finance 2. Degree with business breadth or minor, as determined by faculty。
3. 国际商务硕士 Master of International Business
·开学时间:Mar/ Jul
·GRE or GMAT: 不用提供
4. 精算科学硕士 Master of Actuarial Science
·开学时间:3月 每年一次入学
·专业背景要求:1. UG or PG degree with equivalent of major in mathematically based subjects (e.g. commerce, mathematics, physics or engineering)
· MBS Tier 1 Uni¹ :80%
· 985/211 Uni¹ :85%
· Non-211 Uni¹ :90%