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  Question 1

  We understand that Rupert Murdoch is a media giant and he is from Australia. Is this proof that Australia has very high standing in communication? Can you tell us what is the reputation of Macquarie’s international communication?


  Macquarie’s International Communication program is the first such program in this part of the world and you can gauge its presence in the world by the fact that for four years from1996 to 2000 this location was the secretariat of the International Association for Media and Communication Research and also Macquarie University Centre for International Communication published the journal of International Communication which is the scholarly journal for the international communication. We have students coming here from all over the world, from the United States, as well as from Europe and Asia. So it has become a kind of magnet for students who are interested in this area.


  Question 2

  Can you introduce the program of Master of Arts in International Communication? And what is the area of studies?


  The Master of Arts in International Communication teaches communication and development, international public relations, development communication, international political economy and also a course on event management. There are also courses which provide practical training in video production, digital –audio production and web production. There are courses on international information campaigns. It provides a broad range of theoretical and practical skills for people who want to have careers in international communication within an international context whether in a non-government

  organisation, a government organisation or an international organisation or a business corporation.


  Question 3

  What are the students’ backgrounds before they study in your program?


  Students are coming from a wide range of backgrounds. They either use this program to upgrade their skills or to switch careers. They come from journalism, public relations, media, teaching, university teaching, diplomatic services, from private sectors, from businesses. They go back into those areas. They use the program either to upgrade their skills or use it to change their careers.


  Question 4

  What are the main differences between the Master of Arts in International Communication and the Master of Arts in Global Communication Practice?


  The major difference is that the Master of Arts in Global Communication Practice is a program which has four consecutive practical units on video documentary production, embedded in a background of theory of global international communication whereas the Master of Arts in International Communication has all the theory courses I mentioned at the outset and a range of practical units they can also take. One of them is video documentary production. Others are audio, web production, media writing and so on. It doesn’t have 4 consecutive units in video documentary production. The Master of Arts in Global Communication Practice is an advanced course for video documentary production.

  主要的区别就是,全球传媒实践硕士有四个连续的录像记录片制作实践课,这和全球传媒实践的理论背景是紧密联系在一起的。而国际传媒硕士则学习所有我前面讲到的那些理论课,以及一系列的实践课。其中之一??、网络制作、媒体ese 2 programs?


  It depends on the students and on what they want to do. We will be only taking 25 students per semester into Master of Arts in Global Communication Practice. The kind of students who want to do that may want to set up their own documentary production company, or work in a documentary production company or work for a non-government organisation, or government or business corporation in the area of video documentary production. The Master of Arts in International Communication provides a different range of skills, but in terms of video documentary production not as detailed as that, because they only do one course of video documentary production. We have students in the Master of International Communication who want to work in public relations in China, in university teaching and so on. That’s the kind of things they will do.


  Question 6

  Is there any practical experience included in this program?


  There is a lot of practical experience in it, practical experience grounded in theory. All those units like digital production, audio production, radio production, web production have practical skills. Even in units that do not use video technology, such as information campaigns, we provide practice experience.


  Question 7

  What are the career prospects for the graduates from this program?


  Across the world, they have gone into a whole range of things. 30 or more have gone into teaching in a university. A large number of students have gone into public relations, in China, Singapore Thailand and Australia or into teaching in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia and countries in Africa. There are students who have gone into diplomacy, Thai diplomatic service, in Lichstein Office in Geneva, Japanese diplomatic service. One student has got the position of the Protocol Officer for the Queen of the Netherlands,


  Question 8

  Each year Macquarie University provides more than 7 million dollars to international students in terms of scholarships. That includes some research scholarships for doctoral degree, course works in Masters and undergraduate studies, exchange scholarships and travel grants. Can Chinese students get scholarships studying in your program?


  A lot of our students apply for the travel and exchange scholarships, and they travel overseas and a couple of Chinese students have been to the international communication course in summer in Holland, or others have gone to other cities. But you can’t use this sort of funds to go back to your own countries. You can use it to go to other countries. I encourage that. Macquarie International also provides scholarships on merit. Chinese students perform very well. If they are interested in a scholarship and their academic record is excellent. It is a very competitive thing. Also we do offer a scholarship each year to a student from China Daily or 21st Century Weekly in China. We have had 2 so far, there is one with us right now.

  我们的很多学生都申请了旅游和学生互换交流奖学金。他们去国外。有几位中国学生在夏天还在荷兰学习国际传媒课程。有的在其他城市学习。但是,你不能用这个费用回中国。只能去其他国家。我支持这么做。麦考瑞大学国际学生部还要看学生的成绩。中国学生的表现非常好。如果他们有兴趣,而且成绩也很好,就能获得奖学金。竞争性很强。我们每年还向来自中国日报或来自21世纪周刊的学生提供一个一年的奖学金。我们到目前为止共提供了两个。uestion 9

  I understand that Macquarie University International Office provides support for international students, such as study skills and progression monitoring. Is there any additional services provided in your centre? And what are they?


  We have something called Program for Learning and Understanding Support which has 3 elements to it. The first is a philosophy that everyone is here to become more inter-culturally competent, whatever language one speaks as the first language, whatever background or history one has. In the program students and staff learn from each other, support each other in learning. Secondly, we have weekly meetings, over lunch, where students learn skills and do personality testing which allow them to understand their own inclinations which help them in the university context. Later on in the semester, there are also some skills sessions by people from media, diplomatic service, publications or television radio people. The third aspect is very important. We run a test at the beginning of the semester on English competency. We put students into three categories: those don’t need any language support, a little language support and a lot of language support. These students are then given certain number of hours with a trained language support consultant for each assignment and that is very helpful to them, in term of learning expression and writing skills.


  Course Details (课程简介):

Minimum Course Duration:

1 Year

Mid Year Intake:


Course Commences:

March, July

Study Options:


Course Fee (total program fee):


Course Credit Points Required:


Subjects Per Year:


  Sample Program of Master of Arts in International Communication–coursework (课程样本):


Credit Points


Communication and Social, Economic and Political Development



Cross-cultural Communication



Communication Research Methodologies




Research Seminar in International Communication



International Communication Flows



Development Communication



Communication and International Political Economy



Inter-Cultural Communications


  Sample Program of Master of Arts in International Communication–coursework & research (课程样本):


Credit Points


Communication Research Methodologies



Research Project in International Communication



Research Project (Thesis)


ELECTIVE UNITS 8 Credit points from:


Cross-cultural Communication



Communication and International Political Economy



International Communication


  (编辑:Judy 水杉)


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