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  学生背景及留学专家分析:学生的本科和硕士都是在俄罗斯就读的,专业背景为美术教育,这次想去英语语系的国家留学,最好能移民,学生最终选择了澳大利亚,在做专业推荐的时候,澳大利亚留学专家重点给学生推荐了master of teaching(early childhood)/(secondary),master of planning (urban design),因为这三个专业都是学生可以申请学习并且都在移民清单上的专业,下面澳大利亚留学专家为大家简单分析一下这三个移民专业:

  移民新政下 澳洲留学移民如何一步到位

  职业一:Early Childhood Teacher 幼儿园教师




  职业评估机构:NOOSR/AITSL 澳大利亚教育和学校领导力协会


  (1)plans and structures learning in both indoor and outdoor environments using a variety of materials and equipment to facilitate students' development

  (2)provides a variety of experiences and activities to develop motor skills, cooperative social skills, confidence and understanding

  (3)promotes language development through story telling, role play, songs, rhymes and informal discussions held individually or within groups

  (4)observes students to evaluate their progress and to detect signs of ill health, emotional disturbance or other disabilities

  (5)observes nutritional health, welfare and safety needs of students and identifies factors which may impede students' progress

  (6)discusses students' progress with parents

  (7)attends parent interviews, staff and committee meetings

  (8)participates in community and family support programs as appropriate

  (9)supervises student teachers on placement


  (1)able to relate to children and their families

  (2)a keen desire to teach children

  (3)willing to learn

  (4)good problem-solving skills

  (5)sound literacy and numeracy skills

  (6)high level of planning and organisational skills

  (7)enthusiasm, tact, patience and a sense of humour

  (8)prepared to work out of school hours

  职业二:Secondary School Teacher 中学教师




  职业评估机构:NOOSR/AITSL 澳大利亚教育和学校领导力协会


  (1)presents subject matter using a range of teaching techniques and materials

  (2)prepares, administers and marks tests, projects and assignments to evaluate students' progress, and records the results

  (3) discusses individual progress and problems with students and parents and seeks advice from student counsellors or senior teachers

  (4) maintains discipline in classrooms and other school areas

  (5) participates in staff meetings, educational conferences and workshops

  (6) liaises with parent, community and business groups

  (7) maintains class and scholastic records

  (8) supervises student teachers on placement

  (9) may coordinate teaching in a particular subject area

  (10)may assist with sporting activities and excursions


  (1) enthusiasm for, and ability in, their chosen subject area and teaching

  (2) high-level organisational skills

  (3) able to communicate concepts and instructions clearly

  (4) enjoy working with teenage children

  (5) patient in dealing with students of differing abilities and from different cultures

  (6) acceptance of the rights and needs of all individuals

  (7) prepared to work out of school hours

  职业三:Urban and Regional Planner 城镇规划师




  职业评估机构:VETASSESS 职业教育和培训评估协会


  (1)develop long-range objectives to cope with growth and change, in consultation with affected communities

  (2)perform surveys and site inspections

  (3)compile and analyse information on physical, economic, social, legal, political, cultural and environmental factors which affect land use

  (4)discuss plans with local communities, private companies and government organisations

  (5)consider new developments or re-developing areas, and advise state and local governments on planning issues for projects such as new suburbs, transportation links, industrial estates, retail complexes and housing developments

  (6)draw up plans for development or re-development and evaluate proposals in terms of benefits and costs, recommending how schemes can be carried out

  (7)prepare urban and rural subdivision plans, taking into account various land uses, including residential, public open space, schools and shops

  (8)prepare and coordinate economic, social and environmental impact studies

  (9)provide evidence for appeals in planning disputes

  (10)consult with, and act as an advocate for, community groups or developers

  (11)assist developers to obtain planning permits

  (12)design strategies to guide land and resource use and development in particular locations

  (13)recommend a course of action that ensures local and regional needs will be met, by taking into account factors such as amenity, community facilities, access to employment, retail housing and transport

  (14)supervise and work with associates and technicians


  (1)interested in social, economic, environmental and cultural issues

  (2)good oral and written communication skills

  (3)able to produce detailed and accurate work

  (4)good analytical and problem-solving skills