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DIY的学生问卷 生物医学专业

  Please give your education history - dates of study, where you studied and qualifications obtained.

  请填写您的教育背景资料 – 学习时间、就学地点以及取得的学历文凭。

  Sept. 2000-June 2005

  Southern Medical University, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, P.R. China

  Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine Graduation Diploma.

  Have there been any gaps in time between your last period of study and now? If so, please specify exactly what you have been doing in that time? 您最近一次的学习距今是否有间隔?如果是,请具体描述您在那段期间所做的事情。


  What documents have you provided to demonstrate what you have been doing during this gap in your studies (if applicable)? 您提供了什么材料来证明您在学习的间隔期间里所做的事情?(如适用)


  Why did you select your proposed course and how did you find out about it?


  Personally, as I plodded through my study and read a world of reference material on neurobiology science, gradually, I realized that realms of neurobiology and experimental acupuncture highlighted the details and significance of modern neurobiology to the ancient Chinese art of acupuncture. And an idea of combining neurobiology with Oriental-style acupuncture to form a new type of theory on cures came into my mind. However, for all the wonder of our heritage, most of the acupuncturists do not know why and how acupuncture works. We have already known what ailments and diseases require certain techniques of insertion of acupuncture on some special points. All this is very good, and yet, increasingly the medical community of China wants to know how and why certain techniques of insertion work, so that the needs and congruencies may be seen between prescriptions of acupuncture and diseases. I also feel that it is inept to continue acupuncturing patients without really knowing the scientific theories behind it. My aim, given proper opportunity, is to study Western neurobiology and apply these principles to professional research in Traditional Chinese acupuncture.

  Since as part of Biomedical Sciences, nearly all the principles of neurobiology are based on the major theory of Biomedicine, I plan to seek the primary advanced knowledge on Biomedical Sciences to support my special interests.

  Nearly all the original information was got via the internet, firstly I found out that the best taught courses on Biomedical Sciences in UK are in University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, University of Bradford, and so on. Since University of Bradford ranks the third on Biomedical Sciences in UK, and has an extremely distinguished program on Biomedical Sciences, then I started to contact with Head of Department Dr. S. M. Parkin BSc PhD and Dr. Picksley in Department of Biomedical Sciences of University of Bradford. After further contact and extensive response, I made my decision.

  Have you studied any relevant courses, if so what? What documents have you produced to demonstrate this?


  Yes, I majored in Clinical Medicine in Southern Medical University from 2000 to 2005. The relevant courses are Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Physiology, Microbiology, Immunology, Pathology, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, Toxicology.

  Period of Clinical Internship in Teaching Hospital: One Year.

  I have submitted the transcript of final academic records to support these.

  How is your proposed course structured and what subjects will you follow on the course? 您计划就读的课程是如何设置安排的?您都将学习哪些科目?

  Nature of disease - an understanding of normal and diseased human systems, covering clinical biochemistry, immunology, medical microbiology, pathology and pharmacology.

  Research and analytical methods - covers advanced biomedical techniques such as biomedical analysis in clinical laboratories, cell cultures, recombinant DNA techniques, electron microscopy, evaluation of a research seminar, computer literacy. It is assessed by a logbook of the methods learned and students’ applications.

  Management - an evaluation of management principles and laboratory management. Led by staff from the University's School of Management.

  Critical appraisal - a critical appraisal of the scientific literature on a current topic in the biomedical sciences.

  Industrial placement - approximately five weeks in an industrial or hospital laboratory setting.

  Specialist options - a range offered in the areas of: cellular pathology, cancer, medical biochemistry, vascular biology, or medical microbiology.

  Research project - an individual project based in a well-equipped research laboratory in one of the internationally renowned research areas.

  All students will study a common programme covering the above areas

  Besides these, after contacted with my tutor Steve, Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences, PgD/MSc Admissions and Course Tutor, I decided to specialise in Cancer.

  What specific benefits will this course bring you? 您通过学习这个课程将取得哪些特殊收益?

  While performing basic clinical procedures as an intern, I came across numerous patients with severe fractures, suffering from various degrees of nerve damage, resulting in loss of sensation or use of their limbs, I deemed that the curative theories and methods of Clinical Science should really be developed primarily through the further development of basic research in the field of medical science, to acquire new advanced techniques that were supposed to be applied in treatment. Especially in the domains of Biomedical Sciences, such as DNA, Proteins, Genomes, Genetic and Molecular Evolution, there were a great lot of mysteries waiting to be disclosed, fulfilled with the world’s expectancy of solving all the puzzling problems ultimately. My decision has been formed firmly that Biomedicine was the most important area where I should forge my career, since I discovered the wonders and endless possibilities available within this field of medicine. It also transcended the monotony of my daily life by absorbing new advanced knowledge of Human Science and raised me to a higher level of being where I could see the brightness of human culture, the hidden beauty of nature and the mystery of human beings that others might fail to see.

  After the advanced study and deep research of Biomedical Sciences, new ways of cures based on the combining of Biomedical Sciences and Traditional Chinese Acupuncture may become possibilities, and I’d like to devote my entire life to try to make it come true.

  Why have you chosen to study abroad? How does this course differ from similar courses available in China? 您为什么选择出国留学?这个课程与中国的类似课程有何区别?

  After carefully studying the material I have got from the university’s web site, I have learned that they have an excellent graduate program RANK 3rd in UK on Biomedical Sciences. This course provides practical training vital to professional laboratory staff in hospitals and industry, aspects of which can be further developed during a 9-week laboratory research project. Elective modules enable students to study particular topics relevant to human disease in depth. I feel that their curriculum would provide me with an opportunity to expand my knowledge in the areas that interest me. Furthermore, their graduate program would permit me to turn biomedical theories into enlightening research projects. Additionally, I expect to take interdisciplinary courses at University of Bradford to practice biomedicine with more emphasis on Cancer, which has close relationship with neurobiology. Since my interest is by no means limited to only two fields, I hope that through the program I can also develop knowledge in related areas. Though this course, my ability to evaluate my own and others' work critically can be assessed and developed, and my competence in oral and written communication can also be expanded dramatically.

  Western medical science in UK has much more advanced principles and advantages than in China, especially on Modern Medicine, Clinical Sciences, and Life Sciences. So taking the MSc course on Biomedical Sciences in University of Bradford will give me the best chance to benefit from one of the top programs in UK, for my future career in China, to apply the biomedical sciences principles to Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, to develop the clinical treatments.

  Do you have relatives who have studied/are studying overseas? If so, please state where, what they are doing now and how they were funded?



  Please state the cost of your course per annum, the cost of your accommodation per annum, and living expenses per annum. Then, taking that into account, what will your total expenses be for the duration of your course? 请列出您课程每年的学费、住宿费以及生活费。然后,计算出您在此期间内课程所需的全部费用?

  Tuition Fees: £9,765

  Recommended Living Allowances

  Accommodation and Heating: £2,650

  Food: £1,600

  Books: £310

  Insurance: £220

  Miscellaneous Expenses: £1,870

  TOTAL: £6,650

  TOTAL for the duration of the course: £16,415

  £16,415×16 = ¥262,640

  What documents are you submitting from your proposed college to show how much your fees and living expenses will be? 您提供了哪些文件来证明您计划就读院校所需的学费和生活费金额?

  Formal Unconditional Offer Letter of Full-time MSc Biomedical Sciences in University of Bradford.

  Please specify exactly what you intend to do on completion of your proposed studies in the UK?


  Come back to China, then apply all the scientific principles learned on Biomedical Sciences to Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, and devote my career to the development of the totally new advanced clinical treatments.

  Since in China we have great classical Oriental-Style Acupuncture, more new theories and methods on treatments based on the combination of Eastern Medicine and Western Medicine are strongly advocated by clinicians. In addition, it is no doubt that in China there are more patients suffering and struggling with awful diseases than anywhere else in the world. Chinese need me the most, and curing Chinese patients is also my first needs.





